The asphyxiation artist
[16.ix.23.b / #NL001AA] First, you’ll have to learn how to hold your breath. and wet your whistle coz this one’s going to be a scorcher. time to go deep : swim to the light ,,, ain’t that right, Peter? / If I were to refer to myself in the third person , to create verfremdungseffekt , or what the French called “distanciation” (stay shuned so say tuned) , a Brechtian term : “our threepenny opera stations work to make things strange” ,, c.f. Bowie in Berlin. / If one isn’t carefree … (and by “one” I’m calling myself out for more — what I’m going for here is the recovery of that Saturday afternoon feeling of the theatre in the round when Claudia and her older sister (sinister) Camilla the Murderess and I would explore the costume rooms deep in the dark heart, in those hidden places when the director was out having a smoke. Theatre people. The magical darkness of the let’s pretend — changing costume alts
about myself coz what do I really know about you, you, you ??? unless you are me in the future , O.o.M. is your memory slipping or have you managed to stay sharp? Just hang in there (get it?) until your escape plan D arrives : I’m recovering from a massive epiphanic hangover, a hangover of epiphanies, an intoxication of revelations : I can see those Twin Invisible Cities from above and the River, oh the River! my opera has four pennies and it floats two boots! ,,, but still I’m an alien , a man who fell … as alien to my past self as … the boy [ who never ever ] wanted to grow up write it ten times: (all of the above) never ever be a writer who is read, better dead the read ,, but the [I’m not so old yet] man whom the boy became, a man who suffered from a slight adumbration of dynamical morphology, that man became the sort of writer who writes not to be read, but to read ,, that is to say if one rushes through and you think you know where we’re going, you might miss something.
a little like a giant wardrobe, eh Claudia? eh Camilla with the sharpest knife strapped to the inside of her soft, supple thigh … reach for it … if we go just far enough / what we learn is that coordinate points are material and they exercise power through suits/skins and the mind/soul forgets, overwhelmed by sensation. “I’ve been so many people. How could I have forgotten?” / she said to me: a desert is a place for wandering, for getting lost, but also for finding Oz (an interior Promised Land).
a note concerning … (found in one of the author’s notebooks) : How much time and eyesight I’ve lost pouring syrup over atlases, encyclopedias, histories, almanacs, newspaper archives stored in that bright room in the Cimarron public library, travel diaries, gazetteers, etc. in a bootless effort to discover the exact whereabouts of “the celebrated invisible town of Leadworth.” Not that it really matters since all my autobiographies function through denial : this I did not do! / Sometimes it is necessary to play tricks on one’s elf of the shadows, one’s silent fairies and forgetful gnomes. (oh say can you hear the jingle of the santaman cometh? saved for Book 2)
Today, I’m thinking about Jonah (in another life). Tomorrow, I will think about Job. Yesterday, … all my troubles seem … ( don’t be afraid to be sharp like Oliver Nelson : use Lydian chords ) Jonas being a variant form. Not the belly of the whale guy, but Jonas, the time traveler (twice hanged or hung, as the case may be). This morning when I was preparing to venture forth … (it’s tempting sometimes to cut and paste, but I resist all adumbrating temptations) … what I’m referring to is a kind of “play” upon a stage ,, it is “my play” since I am both playwright and actor … Alas, poor Hans Rico, I knew him to be … (this can hardly be called “work” right?) What do I know of work? I could tell you stories, but you should really talk to my friend Martin Eden. Am I right in calling Martin Eden my friend? Have I got a new ending for you! Martin Eden will tell you that work is what turns humans into beasts : no offense intended to beasts ,,, makes Jack a dull boy, n’est-ce pas Emmanuel? career as a writer (a shining example) : “He channeled his passion for writing in two different languages.” / Do you (reader) assume that the writer (me) is writing a disguised autobiography? What else do we writers have to go on? ,,, describes himself as “a realist belonging to the realist tradition” — and what does that mean when it’s tidied up and placed neatly into a magical blue box? is this social realism he’s talking about? and if so, what about all them roads into Faerie? those horny fairy toads … when I was a boy, there were countries in this world that once had actually existing communism ::: so why was I … well, I know why, I’m just setting this up … Martin Eden told a story once about how, when he received a letter from Trans Galactic Navigator, he thought there was going to be a check inside, and with that check he was going to turn his life around, a check for a hundred dollars (which might not sound like a lot of money, but this was before hyperinflation so a hundred dollars was worth what ten or a hundred thousand is today : cherry u-pick) ,,, for about five minutes Martin Eden thought that he would no longer be an unknown nobody toiling away in a squalid garret … yes, it’s a requirement for a writer to spend their early years living and working in a squalid garret … and you might be right in thinking that Martin Eden was some chicken counter, but no, that ain’t it … when you’re that down and out, you grasp at any shard of irreality you can, no matter how sharp, no matter how deep you’ll get cut and bleed later : we don’t need to magnify life’s disappointments for comic effect
FACT #252: In the same year that a German physicist working in the Swiss Patent Office published four … count them four !!!! Picasso would paint the portrait of Gertrude Stein, an exiled American writer … pigeons, pigeons … alas
Once, Martin Eden and I were … well, I was the one drinking a pint o’ bitter and he was sipping coffee, black coffee, and he said to me : “So many writers are writing ever more autobiographical novels, but they are ever less personal , in attempting to be real, they have instead fallen into the trap of the ever more irreal : because it’s one thing to write what you know and quite another to know what you’re doing.” Ainsi-soit-il, mon frère! / that is to say, when I was repairing to sit at my writing desk and do pretty much what I’ve done every morning for the past twenty years : to play (around) ,, I was looking for an excuse to read more deeply, to read again and again what has already been read, so of course, I bought a plane ticket, a nonstop flight from New York to Budapest where I …
at first I thought I would impress you with a series of coincidences, but what are coincidences when stacked up against the wall and covered over with a dust cloth? And even if I confessed that I have an obsession with books of over six hundred pages … well, what then? are we not sliding toward the limit of the total number of plateaus in this vast desert? / the spirit of the library guides me to open any book at random
EXHIBIT A: we can never really know or completely understand the motivations or what motivates? What do we really know of the pain and suffering of others? Our own pain and suffering, we know and from time to time the odd idea enters our head and we aren’t sure that it is really “us” who thought that idea coz we (the rational side of ourselves) has to be coaxed and convinced that when the number is in the ascent which is to say U.P. … what did Bernardo Soares write about the suicide? the person who finds that old length of rope in the garage and a convenient rafter and a rickety old stool …
EXHIBIT B: The notion of becoming a pirate … perhaps for a short spell when he was a child folding paper boats he imagined that he was a pirate, but the actual fact of becoming a pirate … when wrongfully accused and condemned, he was cut down from the gallows by pirates and revived before he expired. He was marked for life by the experience because the pirates had the forethought to work red ink into the wounds cut into his neck by the coarse hemp rope.
EXHIBIT C: and this brings me to Jonas, the time traveler who penetrated the forbidden zone and for his transgressions was hung until … that’s the funny thing about time travel, when it’s your time, it’s your time, but when it’s not … it’s hot. And forever after it seemed as if Jonas had been saved indeed by friendly pirates.