
author: leviaphile language: Bahasa Indonesia fandom: Obey Me pairing: Leviathan x Arciel (MC) note: terinspirasi dari puisi Sapardi Djoko Damono yang berjudul Hujan Bulan Juni. note lagi: bulan Juni lalu sudah kuunggah di yume acc twt dalam bentuk ss, tapi aku lupa arsipin di mana jadi ini ku-post ulang aja.

Leviathan dan Arciel, di bawah hujan bulan Juni. Dia mulai merangkai sebuah puisi.

Keringat dingin menetes ke pelipis mahasiswa berhoodie abu-abu. Mata oranye melirik ke kiri dan kanan gelisah. Tangannya memegang ponsel padahal tidak sedang mengobrol dengan siapa-siapa, menampakkan wallpaper protagonis anime, Ruri Hana. Singkat cerita, mahasiswa bernama Leviathan itu datang ke kafe yang salah.

Kembali ke beberapa saat yang lalu, Leviathan bermaksud menghadiri perkumpulan penggemar anime The Magical Demon Girl: Ruri Hana di kafe Akuma. Namun, ternyata kafe ini memiliki cabang lain—dan Leviathan keliru datang ke sana. Orang pertama yang datang masih tampak seperti otaku karena menunggu sambil bermain game gacha. Selanjutnya, normies dan —Leviathan bingung harus melabeli apa— para SJW edgy datang. Sungguh, Leviathan tidak mengerti apa yang mereka bicarakan, tetapi dia tidak tahu cara keluar dari sini sampai diskusi dimulai—apalagi hujan turun.

“Angkasa ini sepi. Tetapi aku telah sampai pada tepi ...”* (Subagio Sastrowardoyo – Manusia Pertama di Angkasa Luar)

Saat forum asyik membahas puisi —yang bagus tetapi tidak Leviathan pahami—, lelaki berambut biru keunguan ini sibuk mencari alasan untuk pulang. Dia kangen Ruri Hana. Seharusnya sekarang dia tengah membahas 1001 poin plus Ruri Hana.

“Kalau menurut kakak yang berhoodie abu-abu, apa yang ingin penulis sampaikan melalui puisi ini?” tanya Moderator ramah.

Mampus aku, Leviathan hampir tidak menyimak sama sekali. Sekilas terdengar beberapa kata “angkasa”, tetapi jelas ini bukan tulisan astronomi.

“Penulis merasa ... err ... kesepian dan rindu, karena dia sudah jauh,” jawab Leviathan asal.

Anggukan kecil moderator membuat Leviathan sedikit lega. Syukurlah jawabannya masih masuk akal. Moderator tampak akan membuka mulut lagi saat seseorang masuk ke ruangan. Leviathan merasa terselamatkan.

“Maaf, saya telat. Ada pergantian jadwal dadakan. Terus tadi kena hujan bulan Juni, hehe.”

Perempuan berbadan kecil sedikit bercanda di kalimat terakhir, forum menyambutnya hangat. Kelihatannya dia sudah saling kenal dengan sebagian orang di sini. Moderator tersenyum dan menampilkan slide berikutnya.

“Kukira kamu tidak datang, 'Ci. Ayo baca puisi selanjutnya.”

Entah mengapa, Leviathan tidak dapat memalingkan pandangan dari perempuan itu. Dia terlihat dan terdengar seperti masih remaja, tetapi muncul aura yang sulit dijelaskan ketika serius membaca puisi. Kata demi kata yang keluar dari mulutnya membuat Leviathan tenggelam. Tidak banyak gestur yang ditunjukkan, tetapi mata yang berwarna pelangi itu amat ekspresif hingga rasanya tersampaikan.

Cantik. Tanpa sadar, Leviathan memuji.

“Kalian satu kampus loh,” bisik mahasiswa berambut gondrong yang duduk di sebelah Leviathan.

Malu karena ketahuan memandangi perempuan itu, Leviathan buru-buru menunduk. Sekarang Leviathan cuma berharap pujian tadi tidak khilaf dia lisankan. Hanya tanggapan pendek yang dia berikan.

“O-oh ... Iya.”

Mahasiswi bermata pelangi duduk di kursi kosong dekat moderator. Sejak dia tiba, Leviathan lebih memperhatikan agenda yang tidak sengaja ia hadiri.

“Lady kimi wa ame ni kemuru. Suita eki wo sukoshi hashitta ....”

Bayangan perempuan tadi sore singgah ke kepala Leviathan lagi. Lantas, dia menggelengkan kepala.

“Ingat, nothing beats 2D. Ingat Ruri Hana. Ingat Luminous. Ingat Seraphina. Ingat Tomoka. Ingat Mikarun ....” Leviathan mengabsen oshi dua dimensinya satu persatu.

Belum lima menit, Leviathan pun menggumam. “Ci, siapa namamu? Tadi bisa-bisanya aku lupa bertanya.”

Headphone dilepas, lalu dia pergi tengkurap di kasur. Leviathan bingung harus mulai mencari dari mana—dan dia lebih bingung kenapa ingin mencarinya. Tahu-tahu Leviathan mengetik tiga kata di pencarian google: hujan bulan Juni.

“Ternyata ini puisi. Sapardi Djoko Damono, sepertinya aku pernah dengar nama beliau. Wah, ada versi musikalisasi juga.”

Tidak biasanya Leviathan berminat pada karya sastra semacam ini. Dia lebih menyukai Light Novel dan manga. Namun, mungkin saja dia terkena sihir hujan di bulan Juni. Atau, mungkin dia terjatuh dalam mantra penyihir bermata pelangi.

tak ada yang lebih tabah dari hujan bulan Juni dirahasiakannya rintik rindunya kepada pohon berbunga itu

tak ada yang lebih bijak dari hujan bulan Juni dihapusnya jejak-jejak kakinya yang ragu-ragu di jalan itu

tak ada yang lebih arif dari hujan bulan Juni dibiarkannya yang tak terucapkan diserap akar pohon bunga itu


(sebuah fanfiksi pendek Isagi Yoichi x Reader untuk ulang tahun Izel)

Ada banyak pemain sepak bola hebat di dunia, tetapi tidak semuanya memiliki hal itu. Sesuatu yang dapat dianggap buruk oleh orang yang tidak mengerti, tetapi akan menjadi senjata terkuat bagi mereka yang mampu menggunakannya. Ego.

Berbeda dengan kerja sama tim yang mengharukan, sepak bola egois adalah tentang “aku”. Bagaimana cara bersinar di pertandingan. Hasrat untuk mencetak gol. Segala metode dapat dilakukan, mulai dari saling bersaing di tim yang sama sampai saling melahap satu sama lain.

Yah, itu adalah yang ditunjukkan dalam anime. Namun, ternyata bisa terjadi di depan matamu. Walau tempat ini bukanlah panggung kelas nasional apalagi dunia, cuma kompetisi pelajar SMA tingkat provinsi. Dan, dia yang tampak bersinar di sana bukanlah tokoh utama anime.

“YOICHI, SEMANGAT!” teriakmu.

Pemain yang kamu panggil Yoichi tidak merespons karena terlalu sibuk dengan pikirannya. Tampaknya dia sedang mengamati seisi lapangan untuk memikirkan strategi. Kemudian, wajahnya berubah galak saat berbicara pada teman satu timnya—yang memasang ekspresi tidak sudi untuk menuruti Yoichi. Mungkin dia memiliki egonya sendiri.

“Ah, umpan lambung dipotong oleh pihak lawan. Sebuah pilihan yang gegabah. Bla bla bla.” Komentator terus berkoar-koar, kamu tidak terlalu peduli.

“Dia menyerobot bola dari teman satu timnya. Sungguh kerja sama yang buruk.”

Kamu memutar bola mata mendengarkan celotehan komentator. Kerja sama mereka mungkin buruk, tetapi mereka entah kenapa bisa selaras. Riak seolah bermunculan di lapangan, diinisiasi oleh ego-ego yang menolak kalah dari siapapun.

Apa saja dapat terjadi di lapangan hijau. Kamu semakin tidak bisa melepaskan pandangan dari sana. Ingin tahu apa yang akan terjadi berikutnya. Tidak mau melewatkan barang sedetik pun.

Beberapa menit kemudian, Yoichi berhenti. Matanya mengincar gawang. Tanpa ragu, dia menendang. Probabilitasnya hanya dua; gol atau gagal.

Kamu menahan napas. Bola yang melesat seolah lambat di matamu. Harap-harap cemas bagaimana hasilnya.

Kiper bergerak menyongsong ke arah datangnya bola, tetapi terlambat menangkapnya. Bola masuk ke gawang, menabrak net cukup keras sebelum jatuh ke tanah.

“GOOOLL. Gol pertama di pertandingan ini dicetak oleh nomor punggung 11, Yoichi Isagi.”

Kamu ikut bersorak bersama para supporter lain, terlarut dalam euforia walau sekarang masih terlalu dini untuk memastikan kemenangan. Sepak bola egois Yoichi membuatmu semakin jatuh hati.

“Tadi kamu hebat sekali, Yoichi,” pujimu setelah pertandingan ketika kalian berjalan berdua mencari jajanan pinggir jalan.

Tim Yoichi memenangkan pertandingan dengan skor 2-1. Mereka akan bertanding lagi besok. Gol pamungkas yang membuat mereka menang bukan berasal dari Yoichi, tetapi tanpa gol Yoichi, tim ini tidak akan menang. Namun, kamu memilih tidak mengatakannya panjang lebar. Yang lebih penting adalah Yoichi mencetak gol dengan indah.

“Terima kasih.” Yoichi tersenyum manis seperti anak baik yang tidak pernah berkata kasar sepanjang hidupnya—sangat berbeda dengan ekspresi saat di lapangan tadi.

“Selain untuk memenuhi ego ingin mencetak gol,” dia menjeda kalimatnya, entah untuk mengumpulkan keberanian atau mencari kata-kata yang tepat, “... gol tadi kudedikasikan untukmu.”

“Eh?” Antara bingung dan salah tingkah, kamu cuma menanggapi dengan satu kata, sambil mengode agar dia mengulangi kata-katanya.

“Iya, untukmu. Selamat ulang tahun.”

author: leviaphile Language: English Fandom: Obey Me Pairing: Leviathan x Arciel (MC) note: inspired by the Wedding Vows pop quiz, some of the dialogs are similar. note 2: I've uploaded it before (in Bahasa Indonesia). You can read it here. For this oneshot, I used translator and edit it (because I was too busy and lazy ueueue)

Leviathan refers to himself as “Player 1”, and Arciel is his “Player 2”. They are a team that ready to challenge any quest.

Arciel's day was ordinary. Not bad, but not special. RAD was on vacation, Arciel was scheduled to cook at the House of Lamentation, practice magic spells from Solomon, and finally Diavolo invited tea while discussing the harmony of the three worlds. Later, Arciel returned home with a souvenir of Barbatos' cooking.

Even though it had been an ordinary day, that rainbow-eyed woman loved it. She loves every day here—even the troublesome days, like when Mammon put them all in trouble. Who would have thought that she, who almost gave up a few years ago, would have a new life.

In Devildom, the sky was dark without the sun. There was plenty of food and strange living creatures. Sinful demons freely roamed the streets. However, she actually breathed lighter and moved comfortably.

Arciel's day was ordinary... until she saw Leviathan waiting for her in front of the House of Lamentation. Leviathan's smile always made her smile too.

“I'm home, Levi.” Arciel's blood rushed when she said that. It is true, Leviathan was her home. Then, she asked, “Why are you outside?”

Immediately, Leviathan stood—Arciel could have sworn the glint in those orange eyes felt warmer than the sun. “Welcome home, Arci. I'm creating a new mini game. W-want to be a beta tester?”

Three years ago, Leviathan and Arciel were officially in a relationship. They are a couple who love each other in many forms and ways. Sometimes they are passionate lovers. There were times when they go into best friend mode and go crazy together. At times, they can be rivals who motivate each other. Other times, they idolize their partner.

.... They can be anything. They are everything. They're like soulmates—or truly soulmates, huh?

A nod of encouragement caused Arciel's bangs to motioned slightly. Tiredness and boredom instantly disappeared, “YES!”

The MC of the game made by Leviathan looks like Arciel. Arciel was wearing a school uniform, but the corridors are filled with monsters. Arciel fought monsters with a baseball bat and searched for safe zones. The Floor Boss was successfully defeated.

On the next floor, a Leviathan-like NPC appeared. He is a survivor from another building. They fought together. Arciel and Leviathan were able to defeat the second Floor Boss, leading to a new round.

“Levi, please play it. That witch is hard to beat.”

Arciel turned to Leviathan who was sitting next to her. It was unusual that Leviathan did not immediately grant her wish, but after seeing Arciel's HP running low, he agreed to take control of the game. He held the laptop now, while she watched him.


Getting carried away, Leviathan defeated the Last Floor Boss. Arciel almost praised at the sight of the game's unusual closing scene. Arciel approached Leviathan, then the character she approached suddenly knelt down while opening an orange box—-it turned out to be a ring.

Leviathan's dialog is only two words: Marry me. After that, two options are displayed on the screen: Yes and No.

“E-eh?” Arciel immediately turned her head, asking for an explanation.

“Argh, I should have asked you to make the final attack, Arci. I messed up the momentum.” Leviathan was annoyed with himself, but a few seconds later he smiled, “But this is me. I hope you still love my imperfections. Arciel, the bond we share is the most important thing I've ever possessed in my life. I want to grow up with you. I want us to beat difficult stages in life together and defeat whatever stands in our way. Will you marry me?”

Arciel's hand still had time to move to press the Yes option in the game—she needed a little time to answer directly. However, she kept her eyes on Leviathan as she did so. Arciel cried out in happiness. Mixed with sobs, she replied, “Yes, I do, Leviathan!”

From the game, music played. They were lost in a series of melodious notes... until Leviathan raised a hand.

Water balls of various sizes danced on the ceiling, seemingly matching Leviathan's aquatic-themed room. After that, they moved down around Leviathan and Arciel. There was a water ball that transformed into a ring.

Leviathan accepted the fallen water ring, then smiled at Arciel. Later, Leviathan must have given her a real ring—he forgot to prepare a real ring because he was focused on creating a game, but it didn't matter. Understanding Leviathan's code, Arciel reached out. The water ring was now wrapped around her finger, soft and soothing.

In one smooth motion, he took Arciel's hand, pulling him closer. Leviathan leaned down, landing a kiss on top of her ring finger.

“Let's reach the Wedding Ending together, my Arciel.”

author: leviaphile language: English fandom: Obey Me pairing: Leviathan x Arciel (MC) note: – this lore-fic is based on the song “I'm Glad You are Evil Too” – I've uploaded it before (in Bahasa Indonesia). You can read here – For this oneshot, I used translator and edit it (because I was too busy and lazy ueueu)

“I'm glad that you are you, that I am me, and for us two ... I'm kinda glad that you are evil too.” / This time, he will gather his courage.

The residents of Devildom seemed to be opaque NPCs tonight, at least to the two individuals who were engrossed in conversation along the way. Judging from the labels on the grocery bags, they must be from Anidaemon.

Despite the heavy bags under his eyes, the orange-iris youth was beaming. Not for a second did Leviathan— the young man's name— take his eyes off the petite white-haired woman— as if to make sure she didn't leave ... again.

“Levi, congratulations on completing Ruri-chan's doll collection, Ultrawitch☆Rainbow-chan's pashakore, and getting Seraphina-chan's newest figurine,” Arciel said, looking up briefly to stare at Leviathan.

“Thank you, Arci. This is one of my best days,” Leviathan replied, his face softening as he met Arciel's rainbow-colored eyes, “e-especially because you're back.”

When an RAD academic year ended, Arciel as an exchange student from the human world had to return home. Since Arciel left, the lives of the people close to her were no longer the same, especially Leviathan. Arciel could not be contacted via DDD, was not detected through the pact (every demon brother should be able to feel the seven deadly sins that Arciel experienced), and even Lord Diavolo lost track. Leviathan had also secretly hacked into the RAD database and visited Arciel's address, but she was not at her home.

For a moment, Leviathan wanted to tell her about his search, longing, and nightmares during the separation. However, he put it off. Let them talk about happier things, or trivial topics interspersed with laughter.

“I remember when I first called you, we also discussed about Ultrawitch☆Rainbow-chan,” Leviathan said nostalgically.

“Hehehe, I was confused at the time.” Arciel's little laugh sounded so sweet, Leviathan wanted to hear it again.

So Leviathan told more stories that extended to other anime titles, while Arciel listened and responded. The Envy Avatar's face turned red; both embarrassed for being too loud and moved by Arciel's reaction. He then changed the topic, “O-oh yeah, while you were gone, I bought you some Scarlet Zero merch. I haven't had a chance to give it to you yet because... a lot happened.”

Since returning to Devildom, Arciel barely had any time to herself. Friends invited her to play or just chat. Then, the Gold Hellfire Newt Syrup that Leviathan had ordered from Akuzon had caused an incident at the House of Lamentation. All was resolved thanks to the pact, but Arciel's face heated up when she remembered she ordered Leviathan to hold her tighter and kiss her.

“Ah... uh, thank you. And, uhm... I'm sorry,” she said, afraid that Leviathan hated what she did yesterday.

Twice. Best friends shouldn't kiss, but they did twice. The farewell kiss after Arciel almost confessed her love—which Leviathan couldn't reply properly. Second, the kiss under the pact during the Gold Hellfire Newt Syrup.

Arciel's guilt grew, followed by doubt. Maybe all this time Arciel had mistakenly thought that Leviathan had the same feelings. Maybe they should just be friends.

Leviathan was silent for a second as Arciel walked ahead of him. Arciel's back felt distant. If only Leviathan could know what the girl was thinking, because he didn't want Arciel to stay away.

*Why did she suddenly stop talking? Has Arciel stopped liking me?” Leviathan thought anxiously.

In Leviathan's opinion, it was natural for Arciel to move on from him. He was just a cowardly otaku who had trouble expressing his feelings properly. He got jealous too easily, but afterwards joked that Arciel was a friend. However—-perhaps influenced by demon instincts—-Leviathan would not give Arciel up for someone else, not ever.

Leviathan was determined. Even if only a little, Leviathan wanted to become bolder and more confident. Walking over to Arciel again, he tried to ignore his slightly trembling hands. Nervousness attacked, but this was still much better than losing her, “Arciel, may I hold your hand?”

Spontaneously Arciel turned her head left and right, making sure no one was watching. Then, Arciel nodded. Their hands were held to each other.

Each of them had an inner conflict with themselves. However, there was one thing that could not be denied. Their hands were warm.

If Devildom had a Family Card system like in the human world, Lucifer—the Head of the Family— would say that the House of Lamentation was inhabited by eight people. Putting aside the pact, seven demon brothers had built a platonic relationship with a half-human, except for one. Arciel was part of the family, and they also saw her as family, except for one person. Yes, one person who in the future could make Arciel their real family.

What is that person doing now? Sending Arciel memes and links to animanga fandom discourses.

“Look, the fandom is acting up again. I'm sick of the drama,” Leviathan wrote, along with some supporting emojis and an image of a related meme.

Arciel, who was working on an assignment in the planetarium room, laughed. She replied with a photo of the sky. “Just mute and block. Instead of thinking about that, look at the beautiful sky.”

“You're in the planetarium, right? A good atmosphere usually brings good luck. I'm going there for gacha.” The reply was followed by, “It's not that I want to see you or anything,” but Arciel's DDD screen showed that Leviathan was still typing, and the final reply was, “Yeah, I want to see you.”

Leviathan's honesty caused Arciel to be flustered and not reply to the message until Leviathan arrived. On the other hand, there were no headphones hanging around Leviathan's neck, but there were earphones. There was a song he wanted to listen to with Arciel.

“Henry, pray for me.”

After saying goodbye to Henry 2.0, Leviathan picked Arciel up in her room on the first floor. He took Arciel out for a walk without scheduling typical otaku activities. This was a normies-style date-though Leviathan didn't mention it explicitly.

Leviathan reflected in the DDD's front camera, wanting to make sure he looked good enough. He regretted not wearing nice clothes, but was embarrassed to ask Asmodeus for help. His fingers combed through his purplish-blue hair, trying to change the style of his bangs, then undoing it again because it felt weird.

A soft, refreshing fragrance wafted in as the door opened. Arciel's dressing style was cuter than usual. Later, Arciel was embarrassed that Leviathan's appearance seemed normal. Arciel overthink this was a date.

Arciel was too nervous to realize that Leviathan's mouth had gaped slightly in fascination. Oh Demon King, Leviathan forgot to anticipate that Arciel's beauty would instantly be beyonds with just a little effort.

“W-where are we going?” asked Arciel, pretending to be casual despite actually wanting to change her outfir.

Leviathan stammered, “Uh... oh, yes. Let's go.” You're so beautiful, the last sentence was said silently.

They walked side by side. This time, Leviathan asked Arciel to tell him where she disappeared to. Arciel told him about the training session with the six Great Elementals. In the spirit world, there was no DDD signal. The elemental spirits chose to close themselves off from outside beings, especially demons and angels. They were the oldest beings who focused on protecting nature. Their only portal was connected to the forest in the human world.

“I got the mission and title of Daughter of Nature, but I put forth the condition that I be allowed to live wherever I want, including Devildom.”

Becoming a Daughter of Nature and being in charge of restoring the nature destroyed by humans for the good of all creatures including humans. It sounded like a noble mission at first glance, but Arciel was not that kind of person. There are many evil humans that she hates, but she is not willing to harm good humans, other living things, and nature because of them. When nature was angry, it was unable to distinguish between good and evil. After much thought, Arciel proposed terms that could benefit all parties.

In Devildom, she had a new life; neighborhood, friends, family, and loved ones. There was no way Arciel would leave them, especially for the benefit of the humans who had destroyed her life.

“Don't leave again, Arci. Stay here,” Leviathan pleaded.

Footsteps brought them to the same place as the night before Arciel left. A desolate plateau. The place where they could see the scenery of Devildom clearly. The Demon King's castle which from afar cast a purplish glow stood out amidst the colorful lights of the surrounding buildings.

Silently, they both reminisced about that night. Arciel again had mixed feelings—hoping Leviathan would not be overwhelmed by her confession, while at the same time unable to forget the first kiss.

Leviathan looked down, looking Arciel straight in the eye. If he was honest, he was extremely nervous. However, he was determined. It was time for Leviathan to declare and reach out to someone he longed for.

That time I couldn't say it properly because I was shocked and nervous, but I-I mean it, Arciel. I... want to marry you someday. It wasn't a joke or a random answer. And maybe until now you haven't known about my feelings. I'm going to say something that can't be properly said on that day.”

There was a pause of a few seconds for Leviathan to take a breath and give Arciel additional time to digest his words.

“I love you, Arciel. Always you and only you. I want to be with you forever.”

A drop of water fell from Arciel's eye. Leviathan brushed it away gently before Arciel even moved a hand. Without removing his hand from the side of her face, Leviathan asked Arciel to be his lover. Arciel nodded, being speechless.

The hand that holding the side of Arciel's face trembled, “S-say something. I'm getting embarrassed myself.”

“I uhm... I love you too, Leviathan. My feelings are growing bigger every day.” Arciel slowly touched Leviathan's hand that was still holding hers. Although they then pulled away from each other, their eyes locked.

“Arciel...,” Leviathan called.


“We've never kissed properly, have we? W-would it be okay if I kissed you?”

With just a nod, one of Leviathan's arms wrapped around Arciel's waist. Clumsily, they tried to adjust their height before kissing. This time there was no spontaneity or external force. Purely driven by desire.

Uncomfortable standing on the tips of his toes, Arciel jumped. She changed to her true form, and floated low in the air. Leviathan saw the sky of Devildom behind Arciel's slightly fluorescent and transparent wings. It was beautiful.

While pulling Arciel closer, Leviathan also transformed into the form of a sea serpent demon. Now they were both in their true forms, closed their eyes, and used their lips to communicate heart to heart—because there were many things that could not be conveyed through words.

Two people from different worlds fall in love. They will do anything to stay together.

(—even if the world forbids it and karma targets them, their love is eternal.)

When The First Love Ends

author: leviaphile language: English fandom: Obey Me pairing: Leviathan x Arciel (MC/OCsona) note: setting is in Lesson 19 and 20 Obey Me original. the situation is quite similar and some dialogues are same too. I just adjust the story in my MC PoV and adding/seasoning some details. disclaimer: Obey Me belongs to NTT Solmare corp. I write this just for my heart content and I don't take any profit from it.

Every story has its ending. Student Exchange Program for three worlds is a 'story' too, so that program is going to end.

The ending is near.

Because Leviathan ran after him, Mammon went hiding—and dragging Arciel with him. That half-human girl chose Leviathan's room to hide, and Mammon followed her without any complaint. A minute later, Leviathan came to his room, rambling to his goldfish friend, Henry 2.0.

At first, the hardcore otaku third-born was badmouthing Mammon, but in milliseconds his tone became the saddest voice Arciel ever heard. “Hey, Henry, what do you think about all this? No one told me that Arciel was going back next week. I had no idea. The thought of it makes me so sad.”

I'm sorry, Levi. I just ... can't say goodbye to you. Tears dropped from her rainbow eyes. Arciel was too absorbed in her mind until she didn't hear Mammon's grumble and Leviathan's rhetorical question.

“My Arciel is leaving. How can this be happening?”

Then, Leviathan left the room. Mammon scratched his head witnessing them. He offered a tissue he spontaneously grabbed from Leviathan's room and took her hand to run again.

Stopping by a place where they can see Devildom's view, Mammon told Arciel to stay.

“Who cares with those all? Ya can run away and stay here with us. I will always stand by your side.” He tried to convince her, but she just hugged him for a while.

“I appreciate your offer, Mammon, but ... I can't.”

Arciel smiled at her first demon. Seven demon brothers have a special place in her heart. They are like her new family, her friends, and one of them has stolen her heart. But, Arciel didn't want to run away from her fate ... again.

Just like how Arciel always stands for him when Lucifer punishes him too far, Mammon wants to be someone she can rely on. Before he could convince Arciel further, Leviathan came after them. Hiding his smile, Mammon left them together on purpose. Avatar of Greed hoped those two would talk about their feelings. It hurts seeing his little brother and his friend love each other, but can't be together.

“Listen, I'm a little wound up right now. So I might say something I normally wouldn't, but ...” Leviathan paused for a moment, “I don't want you to leave, Arciel. I don't want to lose you.”

There were earnest looks on his face. He looked at Arciel straight in her eyes. The exchange student walked closer and hugged him. It feels different with how she hugs —and is gonna hug— other demon brothers. Dear, God—or should Arciel prays to Demon Lord here?— she loves Leviathan.

“I ... uh ... Arciel, marry me. Like, For real.” Both of them were flustered by Leviathan's nervousness. As usual, Leviathan corrected his words, “Uh ... Ignore it. I mean ... I ...”

“Levi, I want to stay with you ...” Arciel didn't know what's gotten into her, but she jumped to kiss Leviathan, placing a short peck on his lips. She wanted him to be clearer. She needed him to understand her true feeling.

“Leviathan, I lo...”

“Wh...? Huh? Wh-wh-wha?! Was that an accident? This has to be it! As if someone would actually k-k-kiss a yucky otaku like me by choice.. ha!”

—But it seemed to be a wrong move. Leviathan's insecurity went higher although he enjoyed their physical touch. With a blushy face, Avatar of Envy escaped from this situation.

“S-sorry, Arci. I have to get back my money. Ugh, MAAMMOOOONN!”

The next morning, the exchange students gathered to talk about this program. Simeon and Solomon looked calm as usual. Meanwhile, Luke was sad—though he denied it. Arciel didn't say much, so Solomon asked her,

“You must be happy to go home, right?”

“I don't know if I'd say that, Solomon.” This was honesty.

Her answer triggered Luke to innocently reply, “What? Why not? You get to go back to the human world, and you're telling me that you are not happy about that?”

“Uhm ...”

Helping Arciel who was speechless, Simeon told Luke patiently, “Luke, sometimes things are complicated for adults.”

Normally, Arciel would laugh together with them when Luke whined that he was not a child. But another thing still occupied her mind. To be honest, Arciel didn't want to be separated from them all—especially Leviathan.

Belphegor knew Arciel would say no when he asked her did she liked Beelzebub, he just could not ask the right name to her. He didn't want to make Arciel sadder. She is like a sister to him—not because she is Lilith's descendant, but because Arciel is Arciel.

But that person entered this room with other brothers, being noisy as well. Belphegor sighed. “... These guys definitely throw a monkey wrench into my 'Belphie, Beel, and Arci live happily ever after together' dream.”

“Wh...Mammon! Ugh, you suck SO BAD!” Somehow Belphegor thought Leviathan was about to say other things before roasting Mammon.

“How do you jump in this game, anyway?” Mammon asked Leviathan.

As if he was not bothered by those two, Satan read the sentence from a book verbally. “So basically, the materials in the Library of Ashurbanipal were originally broken down into six categories: history, law, science, divination, religion, and epic and myths.”

“Didn't they have anything on the art of loving? Which category would the Kama Sutra fall into?” Asmodeus seriously asked.

Beelzebub also joined the conversation, “If there was no food or drink category, then this library was really lacking if you ask me ....”

This randomness made Arciel laugh. She would miss them a lot. Seven of them spent the time together ... until Arciel went for the first air. Six demon brothers assumed that she was looking for Lucifer. And, one of them felt suffocated inside.

They were right, Arciel looked for Lucifer. The oldest demon brother greeted her, “Have you done all you set up to do here in the Devildom? No unfinished business? No loose ends?”

Can you ask Lord Diavolo so I can stay? Of course, she didn't say it.

“I still haven't made a pact with you, Lucifer.” For Arciel, a pact is like a bond and trust between them. She was curious did Lucifer trust her enough to forge a pact? Avatar of Pride gave her a smile before making a pact.

“Arciel, do you want to hear some old story? I hate remembering our life as angels, but I don't mind telling you. My brothers were less idiot too.”

It was very late when Arciel went out of Lucifer's room. After a little walk, she found Leviathan standing in the hallway. Was Leviathan ... anxious?

“Did you just come from Lucifer's room?” The otaku demon looked like an abandoned kitten.

“Are you jealous?” Arciel replied with a question.

Seeing Leviathan look away with that expression, Arciel started explaining. “We just made a pact, then he told me about an old story before you all fell to Devildom. And, I asked much about you.”

That man became more relaxed hearing her answer. Well, he wished Lucifer didn't tell her embarrassing story.

“M-may I escort you to your room?”

So they walked side by side, talking about Ruri Hana, Scarlet Zero, and other 2D stuff, trying to forget that Arciel had to go home tomorrow. Even if Arciel was happy Leviathan addressed her as his true friend, his Player 2, etc, she still needed uncertainty.

For the last time, in front of her room, Arciel confessed her feelings; clearer, more straightforward, and kinda desperate.

“Leviathan, I love you. Only you.”

He was stunned; speechless and motionless, before denying it all over again. “I ... I ... Uh, I just misheard, right? As if you would choose ME. I just imagined things hahaha.”

This kind of response again. Arciel was tired. She has tried so hard all this time, but Leviathan treated her like it was nothing. Or, did he really see her as a friend? But, friends don't do what they do. Was Arciel too greedy to want to hear out what Leviathan feels to her before she leaves?

“G-good night, Leviathan.” Her hand trembled as she closed the door, leaving Leviathan who was still stunned there.

Ah, Leviathan didn't know, he would regret this moment for a long time.

author: leviaphile language: Bahasa Indonesia fandom: Obey Me pairing: Leviathan x Arciel setting: lokal college AU

Agenda Rapat Tengah Tahun akhirnya selesai. Solomon, Ketua Pelaksana meminta evaluasi tidak dilaksanakan setelah kegiatan, melainkan lusa di hari Senin. Dia harus pulang kampung karena ada sesuatu yang darurat. Para fungsionaris bisa langsung pulang setelah beres-beres dan menyerahkan kunci gedung.

Atau tidak. Sementara Beelzebub memindahkan meja dan Simeon sibuk menggulung kabel, Asmodeus, Ketua Divisi Hubungan Masyarakat, malah menyalakan lagi laptop serta speakernya. Dia mengambil salah satu mikrofon lalu mulai bernyanyi.

“Asmo akan menghibur kalian semua. Semangat!” Asmodeus tidak sadar Mammon mendekat, “Izinkan aku untuk terakhir kalinya. Semalam saja bersamamu, mengenang asmara—Mon, kok lagunya diganti?”

“Waktunya kita dangdutan atau ambyar-ambyaran, Asmo. Ini saja.” Mammon menggunakan mikrofon lain untuk karaoke, “Awak dewe tau duwe bayangan Mbesok yen wes wayah omah-omahan Aku moco koran sarungan, kowe blonjo dasteran!”

Asmodeus tidak tahu lagu ini tetapi ingin bernyanyi, dia datang ke depan laptop untuk membaca liriknya. Sementara itu, Mammon semakin menggebu-gebu ke podium.

Nanging saiki wes dadi kenangan awak dewe wes pisahan Aku kiri kowe kanan Wes bedo dalan.”

Lagu random rekomendasi YouTube selanjutnya membuat Asmodeus menggulung lengan PDH Organisasi. Dia tahu lagu ini. “Jangan remehkan aku ya. Sekarang era Asmo biduan Pantura!”

Dia menyusul Mammon ke podium, tetapi sempat melambai ke Satan, “Satan, mau ikut bernyanyi?” ajaknya dengan mikrofon.

“Tidak, terima kasih,” tolak Satan.

“Lucifer?” tawar Asmodeus.

“Tidak. Jangan lama-lama, disposisi gedung ini hanya sampai pukul lima,” Lucifer, Wakil Ketua Organisasi, mengingatkan. Dia ingin memarahi di sini tetapi ditunda karena tidak baik kalau dilihat para anggota baru.

Asmodeus dan Mammon bernyanyi sambil berjoget, “SAYAAANG, OPO KOWE KRUNGU ... JERITE ATIKU!”

Lucifer spontan memijit dahinya. Leviathan yang duduk di meja seberang laptop karaoke menggumam semacam mereka pasti kena evaluasi saat Rapat Pengurus.

Ketika lagu hampir selesai, wi-fi gedung sempat melambat sehingga terjadi buffering. Mammon mengeceknya, lalu memberi Asmodeus kode ketika melihat rekomendasi YouTube berikutnya. Asmodeus mengedipkan mata tanda mengerti kode Mammon. Mereka berdua masih bernyanyi walau hanya Asmodeus yang di podium.

Lagu selesai. Di musik bagian akhir, Asmodeus berlari untuk memberikan mikrofon pada Arciel yang sedang mengecek daftar perlengkapan.


“Levi.” Mammon merangkul Leviathan yang sedang mem-backup dokumentasi dari salah satu kamera lalu menyerahkan mikrofon padanya.

“Kalian saja yang menyanyi.”


Musik ini ... Arciel dan Leviathan menatap tajam mereka, tetapi dua orang tersebut malah menarik ke depan.

Y-yen tak sawang sorote mripatmu. Jane ku ngerti ono ati sliramu.” Mau tidak mau, Arciel mulai bernyanyi. Leviathan memelototi adik tingkat yang berkomentar kalau lagunya terdengar menggemaskan dan manis karena suara Arciel.

Nanging onone mung sewates konco. Podo ra wanine ngungkapke tresno.” Leviathan ikut bernyanyi. Arciel meliriknya lalu tersenyum kecil, dan Leviathan membuang muka karena salah tingkah.

(Jika kulihat sorot matamu Sebenarnya aku mengerti kamu menaruh hati Tetapi keadaannya hanya sebatas teman Sama-sama tidak berani mengungkapkan cinta)

Karena Leviathan dan Arciel yang dipaksa bernyanyi, seluruh fungsionaris yang tadi tidak terlalu menanggapi malah menonton. Diavolo, Ketua Organisasi, terang-terangan mengacungkan dua jempol pada Mammon dan Asmodeus. Lirik lagunya membuat Leviathan dan Arciel tertohok, tetapi anehnya mereka menikmati saat bernyanyi bersama. Terkadang mereka saling pandang lalu tersipu, terkadang mereka saling tersenyum dan menahan tawa.

“Yen ku pandang gemerlap nyang mripatmu Terpampang gambar waru ning atimu Nganti kapan abot iku ora mok dukung Mung dadi konco mesra mergo kependem cinta”

(Jika kupandang gemerlap di matamu Terpampang gambar hati di dalam perasaanmu Sampai kapan hal ini tidak didukung Hanya menjadi teman mesra karena memendam cinta)

Diavolo menarik Lucifer dan Simeon untuk berjoget, sedangkan yang lain sebagian ikut berpartisipasi. Lucifer berusaha menjauh dari kerumunan. Leviathan dan Arciel makin gugup, tetapi tidak bisa mundur.

“HUUU KONCO MESRA!” sorak Belphegor dengan nada menyindir.

“Belphie bangsat.” Arciel bisa mendengar umpatan pelan Leviathan di sela-sela lagu.


I Envy You

author: leviaphile language: English fandom: Obey Me pairing: Leviathan x Arciel (MC/OCsona) note: setting is in Lesson 3 and 4 Obey Me original. the situation is quite similar and some dialogues are same too. I just adjust the story in my MC PoV and adding/seasoning some details. disclaimer: Obey Me belongs to NTT Solmare corp. I write this just for my heart content and I don't take any profit from it.

For the cursed record, Arciel challenges Leviathan in a Tale of Seven Lords (TSL) competition. She didn't know anything about this series, but she had to win. Mammon and Beelzebub accompanied her binge-watching. Satan gave her some advice. Lastly, she also visited Purgatory Hall to ask Simeon about the unreleased volume 9. Not gonna deny, these all made Arciel instantly become a TSL fan.

I got why Leviathan loves TSL. It's truly a masterpiece. The exchange student read TSL again before sleeping.

Huh? What's going on? Arciel puzzled, fidgeting her fingers without anyone noticing.

In the TSL competition, Asmodeus asked her easy things and gave Leviathan the most difficult questions. Nobody protested about it. As Arciel met eyes with Asmodeus for seconds, Avatar of Lust gave her an ambiguous smile. Did the demons pity her this time?

But I'm going to ask Leviathan making a pact with me. They are brothers, don't they worry? What if I use the pact to harm them? I heard Lord Diavolo told them that I can be trusted and not a threat. Is Lord Diavolo that powerful, so they trust his words?

Aside from her inner conflict, Arciel kept using the opportunity. To Leviathan, this competition fueled his ego. To Arciel, curiosity took over her mind. She wanted to distract Lucifer using Leviathan's cursed record and then wander around the House of Lamentation. And, don't forget Leviathan may hurt her if he wins.

I'm sorry, Leviathan. Suppressing her guilt, the “human” promised herself that she won't use their pact after getting the cursed record. Then, Arciel pulled out a trump card Solomon loaned her. Yeah, she could not win against Leviathan without playing dirty.

Showing off the extremely limited edition merch, Arciel tried causing Leviathan envy and emotionally unstable.

“It's the Lord of Corruption's lost wing pendant—the platinum edition! That's incredibly, incredibly rare. It's legendary .... GAH! I can't bear to look at it!”

And it worked ... too much. Their further conversation went worse.

Going on the rampage, Leviathan turned into his demon form—sea serpent humanoid demon. Arciel was too stunned to react. Either dead or revealed that she is half-human, she was hopeless.

A glimpse of fear in her eyes made Leviathan about to stop, but it was too late—and his jealousy was much stronger than sanity. The sea serpent demon was so near to attack her.

—Then Lucifer in his winged demon form saved Arciel.

Awkwardly, Asmodeus asked others about the competition because Leviathan left the room. It was Lord Diavolo who suggested a solution, “I guess this means this competition ends in a draw. Neither of them won.”

In the name of the Demon Lord, Leviathan felt strangely relieved when Arciel came to the planetarium. But, he also wanted to know what's on her mind. Why are she so forgiving?

Arciel reminds him of Henry and this situation was like when Lord of Shadow meets Henry. He hates his own mind for this.

“Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying you and I are best friends or anything. As if.” He said.

“Let's be friends.” Her unexpected reaction.

Which one was stupid? Leviathan could not understand her complexity. Then, he raised his voice.

“What?! Did you say, friends?! You and me?! A-A-Are you out of your mind? You knew I tried to attack you, right? And that if Lucifer hadn't intervened, you'd be dead right now. Could you BE any lamer?! You're unbearable!”

The more Leviathan talks to Arciel, the more he is moved by indescribable factors. So he said it.

“I told you if you won, I'd enter into a pact with you .... I'll do it, I'll make a pact with you.”

Suddenly, Leviathan lifted her body and pressed his forehead against hers—He only knows this method. Arciel was embarrassed—and guilty. Leviathan didn't have to do it because neither of them won.

“Leviathan, you don't—” The girl put her hands on his shoulders, ready to jump down.

“Ssshh, Arciel.”

When Leviathan called her name, Arciel got goosebumps. Her grip on his shoulders slightly trembled. Their foreheads are still pressed together. As Arciel gazed closely into his eyes, she realized that Leviathan was genuine about this.

“Yes, I'll make a pact with you,” she smiled.

Though Leviathan was not her first demon in making the pact, Arciel was still nervous. She didn't experience this when making a pact with Mammon—and Leviathan was the one who told her to. It was closer, weirder, more intense. A few seconds later, Arciel could feel something appear on her ... chest? She guessed this is a pact symbol like Mammon's that appeared on her left shoulder.

“Uhm ... i-is it done?” She asked him.

“I ... I think so.”

Leviathan dropped her off carefully. Making a pact was the biggest decision in his very long life, but he knew he won't regret it—because it was Arciel.

They are friends.

When They First Meet

author: leviaphile language: English fandom: Obey Me pairing: Leviathan x Arciel (MC/OCsona) note: setting is in Lesson 1 Obey Me original. the situation is quite similar and some dialogues are same too. I just adjust the story in my MC PoV and adding/seasoning some details. disclaimer: Obey Me belongs to NTT Solmare corp. I write this just for my heart content and I don't take any profit from it.

Oh? Devildom really is hell. A pair of rainbow eyes widened while observing her surrounding. In this dark world, various demons peacefully live. And, although she is not a demon, Arciel is going to live here until next year.

To summarize, Arciel was summoned to the Royal Academy of Diavolo (RAD) as one of the exchange students from the Human World. So far, she has met Lord Diavolo, Lucifer, Asmodeus, Satan, and Beelzebub. Then, she received a DDD with a special AI “Karasu” in it —There is a “Nightmare” feature too, perhaps it's like some kind of grimoire— to support her study. After preparing stuff like designing uniform and buying books, Mammon came escorting Arciel to her new residence, House of Lamentation.

As soon as they walked inside, another demon yelled at Mammon. He also wore RAD uniform messily, but his hairdo is neat and nerdy. Mammon ignored him, then turned to Arciel.

“Uh, listen up human! This here is Leviathan, Avatar of Envy. He's the third oldest of us brothers. Since his name is sorta hard to say, you can just call him Levi. Okay then, let's move on!”

Before Mammon guided her around the House of Lamentation, Leviathan stopped them. The demons talked about money, payback, and 260 years. Meanwhile, Arciel just stays quiet, learning more about demons.

They are demons but look so humans ... and brothers. What? Where are you going, Mammon?

Avatar of Greed ran away, leaving Arciel alone with Leviathan. The indigo-haired demon could not help but ramble, “Do you realize what just happened? Mammon used you as a distraction to get away from me .... Or maybe should I say he used you as a sacrifice. I'll admit that Mammon is one of the scummiest scumbags you'll ever meet: A total lowlife. But still, that was pretty dumb of you letting him use you like that.”

Leviathan stared at Arciel, wondering how odd she was. When Lord Diavolo explained about choosing trusted people to join RAD's new program, Leviathan never thought of a human like this. She looks tiny, pure, and radiating fragility. Her long wavy white hair makes her resemble a lost sheep.

He sighed, “This is EXACTLY why humans are—”

Suddenly Leviathan got an idea; using this human as an indirect debt collector. If she forge a pact with Mammon, she can command him to repay his debt. His voice sounded colder as he said, “You are coming with me.”

In fact, Arciel was not scared at all—especially because she was no longer a normal human. Even if the worst case happened, she would not die. So, she calmly followed Leviathan to his room. The interiors are very aquatic and otaku. She frowned when seeing a bathtub-shaped bed, but wisely did not ask him ... yet.

Somehow, Leviathan told her more than he should, including the book Tale of Seven Lords and that Seraphina merch. Without any judgemental gesture, the human was still listening—until Leviathan felt a bit uneasy. Preventing himself from venting too much, he changed the topic in the right direction.

“Make a pact with Mammon then order him to give me back my money!”

Pact? How dare he? Arciel was pissed off. For Arciel, all beings are equal. How could a demon treat a human this badly?

“I don't want to give up my soul, Leviathan,” she verbally answered, knowing how the pact works.

Combo of her soft baby voice and her brave expression surprised him, but he's a demon after all. He could do anything to get what he wanted. “It's not always necessary. It depends on what is in the pact. I can tell you how to negotiate with Mammon though. Regardless, if I'm being honest, I don't really care what you think.”

Arciel didn't want to be in a disadvantaged position. She realized she can't beat one of the Rulers of Hell although she transforms into her true form. But, she had value in discussing an agreement. Leviathan needed her help. A few minutes later, they reached it.

After Arciel was gone, Leviathan sighed again. Then, he walked towards the aquarium, Henry 2.0—his goldfish friend gave him some “blub blub” language. Leviathan is used to talk about his day, and it was not an exception. Henry 2.0 might be watching them, but Leviathan still wanted to tell him.

“Henry, I talked to a human stranger today.”

author: leviaphile language: Bahasa Indonesia fandom: Obey Me pairing: Leviathan x Arciel setting: timeskip era (saat Levarci berpisah setelah season 1 berakhir) note: disarankan sambil mendengarkan Merry-Go-Round, terutama versi duet akustik.

Ketika perasaan mencapai suatu titik, jarak dan waktu takkan mampu mengikisnya. Semoga para Orihime dan Hikoboshi mendapatkan 'akhir' yang bahagia.

Musik pengiring anime berubah menjadi menegangkan ketika protagonis berhadapan dengan seekor monster. Protagonis memiliki dendam pribadi terhadap monster yang menyerang kampung halamannya tahun lalu. Di depan komputer, laki-laki berbaju putih sesaat ikut menahan napas, terhanyut dalam adegan.

Spontan, dia menoleh ke samping dan berkomentar, “Ini akan menjadi pertarungan epic. Lihat mereka, Arciel ...”

Nama itu terucap. Di sampingnya tidak ada si Pemilik Nama. Antusiasme Leviathan buyar sudah, berganti dengan sengkarut emosi menyesakkan: Kesedihan. Kehilangan. Kerinduan. Mendadak selera menonton anime hilang.

Usai mematikan komputer, Leviathan berbaring miring di tempat tidur berbentuk bak mandi. Mengetik baris-baris yang tidak bisa terkirim via DDD. Sejak Arciel pulang ke dunia manusia, DDD-nya tidak bisa dihubungi—padahal Diavolo telah memastikan bahwa tidak ada masalah dengan koneksi lintas dunia. Walau Leviathan pernah mencari ke alamat serta tempat yang mungkin didatangi di dunia manusia, Arciel tidak dapat dia temukan.

Kamu ke mana, Arci? Aku harus mencari ke mana lagi ...?

Ada banyak hal yang ingin Leviathan lakukan bersama Arciel. Bermain game. Menonton anime. Membeli merch. Praktik membuat kue ala manga. Cosplay satu tema. Atau sekadar makan di meja yang sama setiap hari. Leviathan butuh keberadaan Arciel di tempat yang bisa dia lihat dan temui.

Kemudian, Leviathan bangun. Berjalan gontai ke lantai satu untuk menyelinap ke kamar yang dulu ditempati Arciel.

Tujuh iblis bersaudara merawat kamar Arciel tanpa mengubah apa-apa. Masih ada beberapa pot tanaman, buku tertata rapi, poster di dinding—sebagian milik Leviathan yang menumpang untuk ditempel di sini. Bahkan, masih ada toples setengah penuh berisi keripik buah dan sekantong permen di meja. Bagi mereka, tempat ini akan selalu menjadi kamar Arciel. Semua berharap Arciel akan kembali ke Devildom.

Leviathan duduk di tempat tidur, memeluk bantal erat-erat. Lantas, dia membenamkan wajah ... menangis nyaris tanpa suara.

Di bawah langit biru, wangi aneka bunga kian menyegarkan udara yang jernih ... tetapi seseorang merindukan suasana muram dan gelap tanpa matahari. Arciel berguling ke kiri, menghadap ke arah pohon berumur ribuan tahun. Pakaiannya compang-camping pasca latihan keras, bahkan sayap mirip peri Arciel masih sedikit gemetar.

Arciel ada di tempat di mana dia seharusnya berada, tetapi satu tahun ajaran di RAD kemarin terasa lebih berharga. Tepat saat Arciel tiba di rumah, dia dipanggil ke hutan para roh alam—yang hanya terhubung dengan beberapa titik tersembunyi di dunia manusia. Mereka mengisolasi diri, enggan ikut campur dengan urusan Celestial Realm dan Devildom. Mungkin ini alasan DDD yang Arciel bawa menjadi tidak berguna.

Semua orang baik padanya—kecuali saat latihan, tetapi misi abadi sebagai “Daughter of Nature” bagi Arciel terlalu berlebihan. Di mata Arciel, sebagian manusia adalah hama yang layak mendapat karma. Dia tidak mau berjuang dan berkorban untuk mereka.

“Leviathan. Leviathan. Leviathan ...,” ratapnya. Air mata menetes deras ke rerumputan.

Arciel merindukan keluarga dan teman-teman di Devildom, terutama seseorang yang dia cintai. Terkadang Arciel tergoda untuk memanfaatkan pact di antara mereka, tetapi tidak. Ini adalah pertarungannya. Dia harus mampu menyelesaikan latihan keras dengan upaya sendiri. Dia wajib memiliki nilai gemilang supaya bisa mengajak Enam Elemental Agung bernegosiasi sebelum prosesi peresmian.

Tekadnya terpompa lagi. Disekanya tangis itu. Gadis setengah manusia pun duduk dalam posisi meditasi, merasakan keselarasan elemen-elemen alam lebih jauh.

Arciel sedang mencari jalan untuk kembali.

Selamat Hari Bintang. Bunyi pesan Belphegor di grup House of Lamentation yang Arciel bergabung di sana. Para member grup lain menanggapi, kecuali Arciel —yang memang hilang— dan Leviathan. Demon ketiga dari tujuh bersaudara tersebut sedang pergi ke dunia manusia ... lagi. Kali ini, Leviathan izin menghadiri Festival Tanabata.

Seolah tersesat di kerumunan manusia, Leviathan tidak bisa tidak mengedarkan pandangan ke sekeliling. Dia masih mencari, meski kemungkinan bertemu nyaris nol. Solomon yang sangat memahami dunia manusia saja belum berhasil menghubungi Arciel.

Terlihat pula banyak pasangan manusia hadir. Berpegangan tangan, menggantung permohonan bersama, atau sekadar duduk memandang langit. Iri hati mengalir di setiap pembuluh darah Leviathan menyaksikan kemesraan mereka ... saat kekasihnya ditelan Bumi.

“Hahaha.” Leviathan tertawa sinis, mengutuk diri sendiri karena teringat betapa pengecutnya dia selama ini.

Dia kesulitan menyampaikan perasaan dengan benar. Dia merasa bodoh karena bahkan tidak mampu menanggapi dengan jelas ketika Arciel menyatakan cinta di malam sebelum pulang ke dunia manusia. Dia tidak sempat memeluk lebih erat, atau membalas ciuman, atau mengatakan apapun yang lebih berarti. Arciel pergi tanpa tahu sepenting apa dirinya bagi Leviathan.

Kita akan bertemu lagi. Kita harus bertemu lagi. Ayo kita bertemu lagi. Jika kita bertemu lagi, aku pasti ....

Jeritan batin Leviathan terhenti ketika dia tiba di depan pohon bambu. Orang-orang melewatinya untuk menggantung permohonan. Leviathan mengambil salah satu kertas kosong, berpikir bagaimana cara merangkum semua yang dia inginkan di atas kertas kecil.

—Akan tetapi, Leviathan yakin bintang-bintang memahami permohonannya tanpa perlu satu pun huruf.

Tanpa polusi, bintang-bintang yang bertaburan langit tampak lebih jelas. Semua sibuk menghayati keindahan angkasa, kecuali satu orang yang pikirannya berkelana. Jikalau bisa, Arciel ingin berlari ke pelukan Leviathan sekarang juga.

Dia tidak tahu apakah Leviathan sedang melihat langit atau berdiam di bawah langit-langit kamarnya. Dia ingin tahu serindu apa Leviathan padanya—dan apakah sang Demon memiliki perasaan yang sama. Yang pasti, Arciel tidak bisa berhenti mencintai. Kalau Leviathan butuh waktu, Arciel bersedia menunggu. Namun, kalau Leviathan memintanya pergi, Arciel akan melakukan itu.

Arciel menganggap cinta seperti lingkaran tak berujung. Walau sulit memastikan apakah Leviathan ada bersamanya, dia tidak mau keluar dari sana—dia tidak bisa.

Menyentuh sejenak kanzashi yang Leviathan berikan ketika mereka liburan bersama, Arciel tersenyum. Hiasan kecil ini sedikit melipur gundah. Setidaknya, mengantar Arciel untuk berkhayal Leviathan berdiri di sampingnya memakai yukata. Mereka berkeliling dan bermain seperti festival lalu—kendati berbeda tema festival.

Tahun depan, kita bisa datang ke Tanabata bersama, 'kan? Di dunia mana saja tidak mengapa.

Di bawah langit berbintang, doa kecil Arciel panjatkan. Dia belum bisa bertemu Leviathan, tetapi semoga Orihime dan Hikoboshi sungguh bertemu. Lalu, kisah bahwa Orihime mampu menyeberangi sungai sebesar Amanogawa memotivasi Arciel untuk tetap mencintai dengan keras kepala. Dia akan berjuang sampai memperoleh izin kembali ke Devildom, ke Leviathan.

Karena cinta tidak berwujud fisik, ia adalah apa saja, ia bisa menjadi apa saja. Ada kalanya cinta seolah kecil tetapi terus tumbuh walau dipatahkan. Ada saatnya cinta membesar, sangat besar hingga tak terhentikan. Adalah segala warna, setiap rasa, semua jalan sekaligus sedalam-dalamnya putus asa. Cinta itu tak terhingga.

Tetaplah mencintai, wahai jiwa yang jatuh cinta.


fanfiksi Mammon dari Obey Me series dan karakter original Neru, Seiichiro

Di depan cermin, lelaki berkulit tan tengah mengecek penampilan sebelum berangkat ke akademi. Mammon—namanya, mengangguk puas melihat bayangan sendiri. Tampan dan keren, walau caranya mengenakan seragam berantakan.

Samar-samar terdengar keramaian dari luar. Seiichiro asyik mengobrol dengan demon brothers yang lain. Apapun yang mereka bicarakan, Asmodeus antusias dan heboh. Seulas senyum hadir di wajah Mammon ketika membayangkan wajah Seiichiro.

Vampire berbadan tinggi besar tetapi memiliki senyuman sehangat matahari. Dia seperti magnet yang menarik semua orang untuk menyukainya, termasuk Mammon. Ralat, Mammon sangat menyukai Seiichiro.

Dapat dia rasakan wajahnya memanas. Mammon terbatuk pelan, mencoba menenangkan diri yang gampang salah tingkah kalau menyangkut Seiichiro.

“Hari ini, The Great Mammon ingin membuat Seii salah tingkah,” tekad Mammon, mengepalkan tangan sebentar sebelum membuka pintu.

“S-Seii, ayo berangkat bersama!” ajak Mammon, setengah menyuruh.
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Mammon berlagak cuek sambil memikirkan rencana untuk membuat Seiichiro salah tingkah.
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