A Good Outcome!

#Photography #FILM #RolleiRPX400 #YashicaMAT124G

Think I may have just rescued a boo-boo..!

Got my ratio's mixed up with mixing film developer..! Negatives look dense, but I guess better dense than thin..?

I was going to do a contact print of the negs tonight. But I'd need to mix up a new batch of paper developer and I will be away rest of the week. So decided to put one strip of negs in the scanner instead.

Camera: Yashica MAT 124G Film: Rollei RPX400 @ 200

Developer: Rodinal – meant to be at 1:50 (let's just say my maths was not too good this afternoon..!)

Also meant to be in the soup for 21 mins @ 20 degs. Once I realised my error, I 'ummed' for 30 secs then decided to throw caution to the wind and pulled the process at 6 mins...

Stop and Fix as normal.

Scan/PP: Canoscan 9000Fii / GIMP 2.10 Crop and scale, dust spotting.

I think I can class these as a 'good' outcome in the end. I have more images which I'll share once I get back next weekend.

My Mum and her view.

On our weekly shopping trip.

Mum Mum's View