

#lhl #Photography #FILM #Kosmo100 #Pakwâci

Pakwâci on the beach at Eilean Iarmain, Isle of Skye.

Camera / Lens: Mamiya C220 / 80mm f/2.8 Film: Kosmo Mono 100 Dev: Rodinal 1:25, 4 mins @ 20 degs, minimal agitation Scan / PP: Canoscan 9000Fii / Gimp 2.10


#lhl #Photography #FILM #Kodak5222DoubleXX

Camera: Leica IIIc Lens: Leica Summitar 5cm f/2 Film: Kodak 5222 Double-XX @ 250ASA Dev: Rodinal 1:25, 6 mins@20 degs. Minimal agitation.



This page is a place to record the occasional thoughts, happenings, images around life in Knoydart, Scotland.

#ForestGardening Growing fruit and veg #Photography generally Developing film Traditional darkroom printing

— mostly.

Nothing will be regular, as and when the mood takes and I have something worth sharing..!


I am a photographer working only in film based mediums. I take mostly Black & White which I develop and print using traditional chemistry and darkroom processes. Occasionally I use colour film in Medium Format which I have developed by a professional lab and I then scan the resulting negatives.

In the age of digital it is unusual to use an 'old school' technology. Not as unusual as you might think though. Film is making a resurgence, as are the traditional darkroom and alternative processes in creating print based images.

The main reason to shoot film is in the 'slowing down' of the whole picture making process. Through this you are connected in a much more tangible way to the end result. If that end result is a physical print, been able to handle that and see the depth that you can only get with traditional techniques elicits responses not attainable through other means.

If you are interested in creating a film based project, please get in touch with me via my Cardd

Exhibitions, Curation & Projects

Winter Exhibition – Glasgow Gallery of Photography Feb 10th – 26th 2020 (link)

The Canoe Curated selection – AnalogForever, Online Group Exhibition – “Wanderlust” March 2019 (link)

The Bakehouse, Mallaig – small photo project to record scenes in and around an Artisan Bakery, Ongoing.

Find me at:

as: @longhouselife@m-thompson.co.uk Matt Social Cardd

Donate using Liberapay

#Photography #PinholeCamera #PaperNegative #DIY

Aperture: f/300 Image Size: 5” x 7” format Focal Length: 85mm


#Photography #FILM #Leica #Summitar #IIIc

For almost 18 months now I have toyed with the idea of selling my Sony A7r mirrorless 36mp digital camera. I had initially bought this body around four years previously for the sole purpose of using legacy lenses, as it had the greatest range of 3rd party adaptors on the market available. It did that admirably...


#Photography #PaperPrint #Darkroom #FED2a #fomapan #rodinal


#Photography #PaperNegative #pinholecamera

Part Three.

Mounting the Camera.

zero-two camera I've chosen a position on one of our outbuildings to mount the camera. A simple shelf created from a scrap piece of Larch is screwed to the soffit boards of the shed. I have gone with a simple piece of 10mm elastic bungee which is pretty strong to hold the camera in place, it in turn is fixed to the edge of the shelf on each side.


#Photography #PaperNegative #pinholecamera

Part Two.

Creating and Fixing the Pinhole.

zero-two camera This is the piece of brass shim in which you can just about make out the Pinhole. The piece is approx 25mm x 25mm and the pinhole is approx 0.3mm


#Photography #PaperNegative #pinholecamera

Part One.

Setting up the basic box.

zero-two camera The small W70mm x H75mm x D32mm box that the roll of 35mm film came in.


#Photography #PaperNegative #pinholecamera

I am in the early steps of creating another Pinhole Camera. utilising a small light tight plastic box that was originally used to store a 30m length of 35mm film.