

Athlete (male or female, but I'd personally prefer male) acquires and uses experimental bovine growth hormone. Initially they're very successful at adding lots of mass, but later side effects include growing a tail, horns, and cow ears, plus huge genitals (for a guy) and four massive lactating breasts (for a female). In an effort to avoid bad publicity and legal repercussions, the company the hormones were stolen from abducts the victim and forces their transformation to progress in order to serve either as a stud or a milk cow.

Part I

Jake sat, staring at the vials, running over the whole story in his head. All the signs pointed to “bad idea”, but the thought of finally getting the leg up on Kyle and his bitchy girlfriend Sam was so tempting. The quintessential quarterback/cheerleader couple eclipsed him and his own girlfriend, Dana, constantly. Not out of spite, it’s just how popularity worked. Part of it Dana’s family being farmers, and Sam’s being lawyers. Part of it was Kyle’s meteoric rise on the football team, and Jake’s slow burn.


Part I:

Appointment (0 wks.)

Mike sat in the waiting room. He was happy to have made it on time, despite his GPS’s misdirections. Having seen the building on the website, he was fairly certain it wasn’t in the warehouse district, as his GPS had indicated. He’d been looking forward to this appointment with excitement and anxiety. He made the appointment six months ago, but the waiting list was so long that this was the first opportunity they had to schedule him. DeBrose Medical was an unusual for an independent practice. Dr. DeBrose himself was your standard, young MD. Supporting him was almost a dozen practitioners from across the field, including endocrinologists, dietitians, physical therapists, athletic trainers, exercise physiologists, and even a biochemist or two.


The following was partly composed by GPT-2 Large, the AI behind AIdungeon2 and Talk to Transformer. It was about a 50/50 split between manual writing and the AI's creation.


The following was partly composed by GPT-2 Large, the AI behind AIdungeon2 and Talk to Transformer. It was about a 50/50 split between manual writing and the AI's creation.


The following was partly composed by GPT-2 Large, the AI behind AIdungeon2 and Talk to Transformer. It was about a 50/50 split between manual writing and the AI's creation.


I really enjoyed “Workplace Accident”. My vote goes towards writing a continuation, or maybe fleshing it out into a proper story. That is, if you don't mind.


“You want to… what?” Avery asked incredulously. “I um… I want to try being on top tonight,” she shyly replies. Avery sat for a moment and contemplated the advance from his wife before placing his hand on her striated, globe-sized shoulder. “It’s bad form to ask this, but you weigh how much right now, honey?” he replies. “1014 pounds this morning… look, I see what you’re getting at. You know I don’t want to hurt you—” “Addie, how can this work? I’m 5 foot nothing, and you’re… huge.” “But-” she stammers. “You’re built to handle huge weights, Addie. You curl 300lbs with just your arm. I’ve seen the weights you push with those pillar legs you’ve got. I’m just… not built to handle that kind of activity.” “I’ll be gentle, I promise.”


``` >first month with your new gf >she's been acting a bit weird for the past day or two >she's been really, REALLY horny >has she been working out? she looks kinda toned >she wants you to spend the night at her place >you get there around dusk >fuck like rabbits for hours >seriously, wtf