

Athlete (male or female, but I'd personally prefer male) acquires and uses experimental bovine growth hormone. Initially they're very successful at adding lots of mass, but later side effects include growing a tail, horns, and cow ears, plus huge genitals (for a guy) and four massive lactating breasts (for a female). In an effort to avoid bad publicity and legal repercussions, the company the hormones were stolen from abducts the victim and forces their transformation to progress in order to serve either as a stud or a milk cow.

Part I

Jake sat, staring at the vials, running over the whole story in his head. All the signs pointed to “bad idea”, but the thought of finally getting the leg up on Kyle and his bitchy girlfriend Sam was so tempting. The quintessential quarterback/cheerleader couple eclipsed him and his own girlfriend, Dana, constantly. Not out of spite, it’s just how popularity worked. Part of it Dana’s family being farmers, and Sam’s being lawyers. Part of it was Kyle’s meteoric rise on the football team, and Jake’s slow burn.


The following was partly composed by GPT-2 Large, the AI behind AIdungeon2 and Talk to Transformer. It was about a 50/50 split between manual writing and the AI's creation.


The following was partly composed by GPT-2 Large, the AI behind AIdungeon2 and Talk to Transformer. It was about a 50/50 split between manual writing and the AI's creation.


The following was partly composed by GPT-2 Large, the AI behind AIdungeon2 and Talk to Transformer. It was about a 50/50 split between manual writing and the AI's creation.


you've managed to get into a confrontation with a hyper, dummy; now what?

“So there I was, walking down West Main street, carrying this BIG darn stack of soda boxes,” the old fox recounted. “back when I was helpin’ at Ray’s Pub, before the place closed down. All together, they had to weigh 50-, 60lbs. Big damn boxes, could hardly see over the top of them. So there I am lugging these boxes down from the supply store, and I walk in to something. Lost the top few boxes. BAM, ten bucks of soda on the ground. That was a lot of soda back then! First thought was ‘Ray’s gonna have my ass’, but then I get to thinking what I hit. Thought I’d hit a lamp post for how sturdy it was, but I’d a’ seen it if it were that tall.


you've gone out hunting with your hyper friend, and they excel at it as only a hyper can

Part 1

“I can’t BELIEVE we got a spot at Arten Farms!” Gene exclaimed. “You know how many people try to get on that place’s waiting list in a year? C’mon, guess!” Jerry groaned. “Yeah, yeah, I know. Two thousand reservations a year, only one hundred slots granted.


Part I: Demo Day

Randy’s desk phone rang. An unusual, but not alarming occurrence. “Personal Training desk,” the tiger answered. ”It’s May up front. Grab Darren and get up here.” “Why? What’s the big rush?” “We’ve got a demo today.” “We do? Since when?” “Since now. Sarah just got the email from WeightList half an hour ago.” ”Fuuuck...” Randy cursed under his breath. “You said it,” May replied. “When?” Randy asked. “4:30. Don’t bother checking the clock, it’s a bit over two hours out.” “I thought we got a 5 hour lead time on demos!?” “Not today, I guess.”


Bella's job had changed over the years. Born a dairy cow, she had “blossomed” in the usual bovine ways. Her ancestry had given her perky, round, JJ-cup udders, hips for bearing dozens of calves, and a plump, full rear. Her employment, however, had given her a body to make the most sturdy bull jealous.


Light. In her eyes. Amanda's day began the same way as always. She twisted off the bed and landed on her feet, stumbling a bit, but regaining her balance. The calendar read Monday. The mouse groaned out loud. “Looks like Wes had already gone out for breakfast. No, wait, he spent the night at his cousin's place in Barnsdale,” she thought. “Carl and Meridith's place. The wedding, right.”


Hannah had been looking forward to this day for weeks. The confident, 3ft rabbit finally arrived at the fitness center. The hefty door stood between her and her soon-to-be-gym. Obviously built for more substantial creatures than herself, even after her best heaving and shoving, she hardly budged the door. The rabbit pressed against the door with all her might, until it abruptly swungy open: a departing patron (a heavyset bear) had yanked the portal open. Humbled and more than slightly discouraged, she approached the front desk. Her high voice surprised the attendant, a lithe dragon.