
#100DaysToOffload – Day 20

When the news broke that Florian Schneider had died I was really gutted. Whilst lockdown is going on I've been a bit randomly emotional anyway and his death had hit me hard. Whilst I'm no way an uberfan of Kraftwerk I do like their music. It is a default for me for background music and one of my perennials on Spotify. The second record I ever bought, at the age of 10 from Woolworths (of course!), was Kraftwerk's The Model. (The first was the theme tune to the movie Flash Gordon but we don't talk about that.) I still love the track today so this video blows my mind: Kraftwerk's The Model played on the 14 bells of Utrecht's Dom Tower. Can't even begin to fathom about how they do that. The fact that pretty much all the music I liked as a teen and young adult was influenced by Kraftwerk shows just how much an influence they had.

100 Days to Offload is a blogging challenge started by Kev Quirk to help get through lockdown. Check for information.