God only knows

God only knows what goes on in this head What the voices that dwell in this skull's depths have said

God only knows why I can't start a task It sure doesn't seem like such a great ask

God only knows how I spend whole days sleeping A last sad defence against ghosts that come creeping

God only knows what's out there in the world What lies at the bottom of the holes that we've delved

God only knows why I don't ask her out Though I begin to suspect that it might be self doubt

God only knows that we've come to take stock Having weathered the storm and endured the shock

God only knows where our dreams and hopes went Despite all the blood and goodwill that we've spent

God only knows of the hope that survives When God's presence feels absent from the weft of our lives

God only knows the day and the hour Come marching the kingdom, in glory and power

God's slow to tell if we've booked our last shows With a script for the final act only God knows

Only you know me, or so my lines go But am I worth sharing, this me that you know?