What promises do you want from me I don't know if I can make the normal ones
It's heartwarming that
You still don't seem to ever
Get sick of my company
I agreed to babysit
The first time you went exploring
I don't know if any of that
Was a good idea
Or what it means for us
In the long run
You went in
And I was so proud
It wasn't easy
It isn't easy
But you're turning up
I'm pretty sure by now
That you forgot you told me
That part
Of your awful secret
To judge by the way
You speak of things now
Should I remind you?
If my love for you
Is taken from me
I don't know
There's a lot I don't know
You know all the best songs and
Sometimes you'll even
Tell me about them
I miss all our nighttime ramblings
Through the moors and fens of
Analytic philosophy, and our own haphazard theorizing
I resent
That I can't do that anymore
But I'm glad I got to do it with you
It's nice that you two could have
At least one thing in common
Even if it had to be alcoholism
Is a subtle little thing of a thing
I guess we keep going with what we've got
You asked me that night
“Did I blow up the world?”
Nothing so existential
I just needed to talk to you again
To find our way back to the world
Of me and you
And we did
And we talked about hard things
Maybe we will talk about harder ones, yet
But I can't see what's on the other side
And I don't know how to risk it
The roots of melancholia
Feel so deeply and subtly planted in you
I'm not sure – could you be another way?
Did God put me
Here for you or you here
For me?
You don't talk much about
Therapy these days and
I don't know if that's a good sign
Or the other kind
That someone you loved, and you
Could do that, and that
I can't
And I'm sorry
And I wish you knew
You feel yourself
So different, so divergent
And I don't want to downplay it
Minimize it
But I do want to say
Over and over
That it doesn't have to be some moat
Some high daunting fence
That keeps us away
Was that cruelty?
You screamed
It shattered
And I flinched, but barely
Strange, how I know I am perfectly safe
You rage not at me
Do you rage even at them?
Or is your wordless curse
Reserved for the unspeakable three?
You don't say
In fact you go on talking almost normally
As if nothing had happened
And then you scream again
And I don't know how to ease your pain
And I don't know how to speak to it
But at least I know how to sit
At times your cantankerousness
Begins to have the air of bitterness
Deep, molasses-thick
It has worried me
I can't blame you
But I can worry
You forgave me?
You forgave me
I'm glad you became friends
I wasn't expecting that
They asked me
To keep vigil
They were worried about the obvious thing
But as the night went on I worried
About something slightly different
You said that you're always in that place
And I think you might have it half right
But I can't explain the other half
Physical media is obsolete, you wrote
But that tumultuous first time
You brought me the internet's finest
On well chosen dead trees
And I was so grateful
All gamblers have
The bad luck
To be gamblers
The bad luck
To have good luck sometimes
You have the good luck
To perceive the beauty of it all
But I don't know
That could be bad luck in the end
I'll confess
At times I found it hard to be your friend
In the early years
And you might well say the same
But it feels easier and easier
With every passing day
Unbearably light
Unfathomably so
It makes me happy when you ask me
For advice on practical things
You came looking for me
At least one of the times I vanished
I guess an addiction to your job is healthier
I guess
You do seem happier
Are you avoiding me?
I really hope not
I'll never forget that time
You hugged me
It was so sincere
And spontaneous
And heart felt
And unexpected
I hope I never hear you say the like of that again but
I hope you'll always know that I can
At least we are maladjusted somewhat synchronously
But as for me
Survivor of three journeys eastward
Survivor of six round trips to an inside place
Survivor of a few inept attempts to be in love (one disastrous)
Survivor of the beginning of the end of the world
And that's not even the worst of it
Help me off the mat
The blood, trickling
In that the realm of figures, of resourcefulness and lemmas
Call me Benthamite
But in this the realm of time spent
Of visits that risk ending badly
Call my tears partial still
He so loved the world? The whole world?
I find it, I find it, almost wholly in these
Jesus wept
Jesus wept, and I weep
Lead us to new life
You came
To walk the gully with me
To see the tenacious plants climb
To sit just short of the beach
Eating fish and chips
Whiling away the freedom
It meant a lot
If any meaning ever means anything or everything
And still there is
The smell of fountains
The trepidatious joy of some new delight
And a thimbleful of hope
For redemption
And for things even more glorious