Ma Insa Sense Visualization 1/14/2018

The orange beach between Wisin and Ma Poni.

Semantics Analysis

Group, Use, Action, Properties, Location, Association

Orange Sand

Group: many small things, one logical thing Use: decoration, building, path making Action: inert unless acted on, can be dried into interesting shapes. Dry sand is not viscous and acts like essentially a fluid. Properties: fine, small grain, orange color, slight citrus taste and smell, doesn't hurt when walking on it while it's warm Location: The beach, paths Association: vacation, relaxation, fun

Palm Trees

Group: large things, plants that emit coconuts every so often Use: decoration, the coconuts are edible Action: when a coconut is emitted, that falls to the ground. Avoid being hit by one. Properties: at least 30 feet tall, various random heights, random leaf spread patterns, doesn't seem to be consistent between viewings yet Location: The shore's edge, in the grass (all palm trees planted on the beaches here won't make it) Association: peace, vacation, slight danger, sharing