Ma Insa Sense Visualization 1/5/2018

On the sand path, traveling west from the beach and cannabis field

Semantics Analysis

Group, Use, Action, Properties, Location, Association

The rocks marking the edge of the path

Group: thing, many things but one logical thing Use: marks the edge of the sand path, hopefully keeps the sand from spilling Action: none unless acted on, they were placed well Properties: uniform, round, dark colored, many varieties of gray Location: the ground, the edges of the path Association: order, tidiness, keeping things in line

My tail

Group: thing, part of my body but a thing Use: swimming, stability, hugging Action: is a giant muscle, has actions when i want it to, idle otherwise Properties: long, black and white, has a flipper at the end, comes from my butt down to the ground, 4 feet long Location: me, attached to me Association: otherkin, belonging, closeness, cuddling, freedom, swimming