Another one

Reading through the comments of articles, twitter thread it seems so much more content is added in the comments rather than the article. So for a change, I am writing the comments as the article.

BM “Great article- echoed my thoughts; that's what's really lacking in A now” 1 like

SM “Bull shit,an accident exaggerated, by pithy liberals and extremist ” 1k likes

FM “War criminals all” 2k likes

WB “What ???” 10k likes

FM “Burn in Flames A, this is what you deserve”

BW “Violence is no answer, this rage is justified”

KL “The Idiot is the reason behind this, he is the REASON for all, quit Idiot” 5k likes

KJ “At least quit T” 10k likes

LM “Vicious Dogs everyone – beware we have vicious dogs”

RK “Security is paramount”

BB “The liberals are the reason – SEND THEM BACK !”

RK “Phew at last a REAL PATRIOT SPOKE”

JJ “Sad, very sad. Wish all the world was blind, we would then really See Better”

KK Liberal Nut

RK “Oh, no there is a reason behind the Tweets; see its POWER, it is enough than firing a missile”

KL “Really War of the WORDS ??”

I have edited out the most atrocious comments out. Now isn't this better than the article ?