Man Learning

A Man's Learning

Another one

Reading through the comments of articles, twitter thread it seems so much more content is added in the comments rather than the article. So for a change, I am writing the comments as the article.

BM “Great article- echoed my thoughts; that's what's really lacking in A now” 1 like

SM “Bull shit,an accident exaggerated, by pithy liberals and extremist ” 1k likes

FM “War criminals all” 2k likes

WB “What ???” 10k likes

FM “Burn in Flames A, this is what you deserve”

BW “Violence is no answer, this rage is justified”

KL “The Idiot is the reason behind this, he is the REASON for all, quit Idiot” 5k likes

KJ “At least quit T” 10k likes

LM “Vicious Dogs everyone – beware we have vicious dogs”

RK “Security is paramount”

BB “The liberals are the reason – SEND THEM BACK !”

RK “Phew at last a REAL PATRIOT SPOKE”

JJ “Sad, very sad. Wish all the world was blind, we would then really See Better”

KK Liberal Nut

RK “Oh, no there is a reason behind the Tweets; see its POWER, it is enough than firing a missile”

KL “Really War of the WORDS ??”

I have edited out the most atrocious comments out. Now isn't this better than the article ?

The Key to the Kingdom

I had a moment of epiphany; I have realised the key to the kingdom. It is being dependent on others for your happiness.

The absence of sorrow or pain or suffering does not equal happiness; peace maybe, but happiness needs to be cultivated, and it's worth the effort.

But then this a conundrum. Does your happiness depend on the whims and fancies of another?

This is against the usual philosophy of creating a hard shell around you; so that others do not cause you pain; a sort of barrier.

People who have suffered much usually create such hard shells into which they withdraw.

The monks who denounce all and in their solitude try to find peace, do they find happiness still? Peace maybe, but not happiness.

Happiness is enjoyed as a reflection in the face of another – a smile, a laugh, a warm thought.

This is one key to the kingdom.

Test MathJX

Put your MathJax between <p> .. </p> to get consistent results

More details below:

Works as Expected

<p> $$ a = \begin{bmatrix} a{1}\\a{2}\\a{3}\ \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} a{1} & a{2} &a{3}\end{bmatrix} $$ </p>

$$ a = \begin{bmatrix} a{1}\\a{2}\\a{3}\ \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} a{1} & a{2} &a{3}\end{bmatrix} $$

Does not work properly without <p>

a = \begin{bmatrix}
\end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} a{1} & a{2} &a{3}\end{bmatrix}

$$ a = \begin{bmatrix} a{1}\a{2}\a{3}\ \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} a{1} & a{2} &a{3}\end{bmatrix} $$

Does not work $\begin{bmatrix}a_1 & b_1 & c_1 & d^1\end{bmatrix}$

$\begin{bmatrix}a1 & b1 & c_1 & d^1\end{bmatrix}$


$\begin{bmatrix}a_1 & b_1 & c_1 & d^1\end{bmatrix}$

$\begin{bmatrix}a_1 & b_1 & c_1 & d^1\end{bmatrix}$


    1 & x & x^2  \\ 
    1 & y & y^2  \\
    1 & z & z^2  \\
    \end{bmatrix} =

$$ \begin{bmatrix} 1 & x & x^2 \\ 1 & y & y^2 \\ 1 & z & z^2 \\ \end{bmatrix} = $$

Man's search for Happiness

Is happiness related to Meaning? A Man may find about the meaning or purpose in his life; but would that give him or her meaning. Was people who find real value in their life like Mother Teresa and Nelson Mandela necessarily happy?

On the other hand, do men who search and find cheap thrills necessarily happy?

Many are terribly afraid of the silence. As in silence, these questions start to rise? And it is better to be immersed in noise to escape thinking or answering these.

Can you be happy being alone, living just in your mind?

Types of Programmers

I have seen two types of programmers. Maybe this is evident in other fields too, but maybe it is impossible in other fields. One type is the one who is well trained in a particular technology or programming language and keeps doing it again and again, with consistent quality and consistent structure. And knows all the definitions and in and out of the particular technology. Ask them anything related to that and they will have an answer; maybe not that deep, but an answer nevertheless. Then there are the other types. They may not in-depth, and they start out with no training. Their work may be horrible at first but exponentially improves over time. They are not consistent, they forget that it is work and think of things like beauty, elegance, perfection etc in their work.

I mentioned that this may not be possible in other fields. For example, you cannot self learn and become better and better as a doctor. Or a pilot etc. But even in these regulated fields, there are those who will treat work as work and those who will treat work as their purpose in life. And the work need not be as fancy as a doctor or pilot or for that matter programming. It can be anything, even a janitor can take pride in cleaning, like doing it better than anyone else in the world.

Now, which of these would a business love hire? I will wager a lot of the former and a few of the latter; as the latter will be very few. These are the sort that can blaze a trail, belt out a new product in weeks if the fancy catches them, what the rest would take months.

Now here is the conundrum. How can you hire someone who sucks currently at the interview, sucks at the technology that you are asking, because he still does not know, or the way he works and learns is different?

Believe me, you don't want a language expert, if you can get someone who can be an expert in anything. As languages and technologies fade fast. And those who need training or hand-holding in adapting to new technology and paradigms becomes a liability soon, than an asset.

If the person is experienced, and the experience can be in commercial work or personal work or even some person projects – in the interview ask about the work. See how deep he has gone in the work. Listen to what he (or she) has to say. Prod him on why he has done one way than the other. A learner will teach you insights that a trained worker can never.

My favourite question was some vague question which does not have a right or wrong answer like – What is the essence of Object-Oriented Programming? A trained worker will babble what he is taught, a learner will talk what he thinks, what he has experienced and thought – what is hyped, what is valued, what is the real spirit; and I will take such a person any day over a trained expert.

The Primitive Emotions – Anger


Ever seen in real an angry hissing snake? Or seen a video or picture? We have inherited Anger and similar primitive emotions from our evolutionary parentage. No wonder these are really powerful.

An emotion is an instinctive response to a stimulus. This means that is not something that we do with deliberate thought and thinking of the consequence.

For lower order intelligence the response is fit for the stimulus. A snake hissing and about to charge when provoked. The anger driving its hormones – adrenalin may be, to prepare for the fight.

However for humans, though there are valid reasons to be angry about and to show our anger externally, for most stimulus, for most people our anger response is not correctly calibrated.

Reducing OverReaction

A word once left the mouth becomes indelible in the pages of history; so too an action is done. It is then essential that unlike the poor snake, that strikes on instinct, we need to learn to control our impulse.

Calibrate your response to a level that is appropriate for the stimulus. We usually overreact because either we have under reacted before and kept silent for a long time, or we are somewhere else in our mind, aggravated by some other context or stimuli. However, it is not right to take out your anger at something or someone on some other. That is not what a person of character will do. And it is essential to have a code to live by and a code to die for.


It takes a lot of strength to rein in your instincts. Practise developing that inner strength.


It is easy to make heaven a hell if you cannot control your anger response. I am not advocating to hold back emotions, that will be wrong. Usually most of the time you have perceived and processed the stimulus incorrectly. Human communication is ambiguous and it is easy to misinterpret. Leave some leeway to yourself in your judgment before you respond.