When To Consider a Brick or Chimney Inspection in Peoria, IL

Masonry is the art form of building structures using materials like brick, stone, and concrete. It is a popular choice for house construction because of its durability, energy efficiency, and aesthetic appeal. Masonry structures can withstand harsh weather conditions, fire, and pests, making them a reliable building choice for homes.

It is also an environmentally friendly choice because it is made of natural materials that are sourced locally. This saves transportation costs and reduces the carbon footprint of construction. It also an excellent insulator, and insulation, which can help reduce energy costs in homes. ​ Masonry is also a great choice for exterior brick wall because it can be customized to fit any design. It can be used to create intricate patterns, or it can be left plain for a more modern look. Masonry also offers an array of colors and textures, allowing homeowners to choose the perfect look for their home. Additionally, it is strong and durable, making it an excellent choice for foundations and support walls. With proper maintenance, masonry structures can last a lifetime.

Benefits of Masonry for your Home

​There are numerous benefits of using masonry for your home. It is durable and requires minimal maintenance, making them a long-term investment. They are also energy efficient, which can save homeowners money on utility bills.

Masonry wall structures are also aesthetically pleasing and can increase the value of your property. They come in various colors and textures, which can match the style of any home. Masonry structures can also withstand natural disasters like earthquakes and hurricanes, making them a rock solid and safe choice for homeowners.

Areas On A Home That Masonry Is Used

​Masonry is highly versatile construction material, has become a ubiquitous presence in today's world, with its wide-ranging applications in both commercial and residential settings. As a result, the demand has increased significantly over the years, which has led to rapid advancements in its application.

From walls, floors, arches, and columns to fireplaces, patios, and walkways, masonry has proved to be a reliable and durable material that can withstand the test of time. With its exceptional strength, durability, and aesthetic appeal, it is an ideal choice for various construction projects.

Moreover, masonry's adaptability allows it to blend seamlessly with different architectural styles, whether traditional or contemporary, making it a popular choice for homeowners, architects, and builders alike.

As the demand for masonry continues to rise, experts in the field are continuously developing new techniques and materials to enhance its performance and efficiency. From innovative methods of mixing and laying bricks to incorporating new materials like glass, steel, and concrete into masonry structures, the advancements in masonry have made it an ever-evolving construction material.

With masonry's versatility, durability, and aesthetic appeal make it an indispensable construction material in both commercial and residential settings. Its remarkable adaptability and continuous advancements ensure that it will remain a vital part of the construction industry for years to come. Heres how:

Exterior Wall and Foundation

​A masonry partition is made up of individual stones or bricks that are held together with mortar. An exterior wall and foundation is usually made with concrete, brick, or stone. The material used depends on the climate, the building size and shape, and the type of projects. For example, concrete is best for structures in cold climates because it is strong and can withstand extreme temperatures. Brick or stone may be used for walls in warmer climates because they are more efficient at insulating heat.

Fireplace and Chimney Repairs and Chimney Crown

​Fireplaces and chimneys are commonly designed with masonry. Fireplaces and chimneys today are designed to be both beautiful and functional. Brick and stone chimney are used for their durability and timeless appeal. They can be tailored to fit any home, from a traditional style with brick or stone facing to a more modern look with contemporary design. Masonry chimneys have been used for decades and are still the best option.

Specialized techniques can also be used to customize the design of a brick chimney, such as adding decorative accents like corbels and mantles. The chimney itself is constructed using either block, brickwork, or stonework depending on the desired look. The interior is lined with fire-resistant material such as mortar clay tile or metal flue liners for safety and efficiency. And finished with a chimney crown. With careful design and craftsmanship, fireplaces and chimneys can provide both form and function for years to come. Remember to schedule inspections every few years to ensure that its free from damage. On average 68 homes per day develop a chimney fire because of issues that where unknown.  Once a issue is discovered, chimney repairs can be done. Other items to be inspected is the flashing, damper, cap, flue liner, and roofing.

Patios, Walkways, and Driveways

​Today masonry products are used in many ways. As a example, patios can be designed in brick or stone. Many products such as Unilock offer ways to use stone. These stones can be used on almost endless ways. Many products can be used without grouted joints if you choose. Any surface that concrete block is used, stone can be used.

Common Masonry Issues in Homes

​Despite its many benefits, masonry structures are not immune to damage. Common issues in bricks include hairline cracks, leaks, and deterioration. These problems can occur due to weathering, poor construction, or lack of maintenance.

Hairline cracks in masonry structures can be caused by shifting or settlement. These cracks can allow water to seep into the structure, leading to leaks and water damage. Deterioration can occur due to exposure to harsh weather conditions or lack of maintenance, leading to weakened and unsafe structures.

Importance of Masonry Repairs and Inspection

​It is essential to address any issues in your home promptly. Ignoring them can lead to more significant problems and costly repairs in the future. Masonry repairs involves fixing damage to the structure, while masonry inspection involves assessing the condition of the structure to identify any potential issues.

Regular repairs and inspection can help maintain the integrity of your home's structure, ensuring its safety and longevity. It can also save you money in the long run by addressing any issues before they become more severe.

Indicators that your Masonry Needs Repairs

​There are several signs that your masonry structure needs help. These include: large cracks in the structure, water damage, and deteriorating bricks and mortar. If you notice any of these signs, it is essential to call a professional service.

Cracks in the structure can indicate shifting or settling. Water damage can lead to mold growth and further deterioration of mortar in the structure. Deteriorating mortar can weaken the structure, leading to potential safety hazards.

Why Masonry Repair is Important for Homes in Peoria, IL

​Peoria, IL, experiences harsh weather conditions like extreme heat, cold, and rain. These conditions can cause significant damage to masonry structures, making regular maintenance essential.

Ignoring issues in Peoria homes can lead to more significant problems like water damage, mold growth, and weakened structures. These problems can be costly to repair and repairs may even require the replacement of the entire structure.

Hiring a Professional for Masonry Repair in Peoria, IL

​It is essential to hire a professional for masonry repair in Peoria, IL. They have the necessary skills, experience, and tools to assess and repair any damage to your home's masonry structure.

Professional contractors follow safety protocols and ensure that the repair work is done correctly, preventing any further damage to the structure. They can also offer advice on how to maintain your home's masonry structure to prevent future issues.

Importance of Regular Masonry Inspection

​Regular inspection is essential to maintaining the integrity of your home's structure. A professional inspector can identify any potential issues and address them before they become more severe.

Inspection can also help identify any necessary repairs or maintenance, preventing further damage to the structure. Regular inspection can also save you money in the long run by addressing any issues before they become more costly to repair.

Signs that You Need a Brick Inspection in Peoria

​If you notice any signs of damage to your home's brick structure, it is essential to call for a brick inspection in Peoria. These signs include cracks in the brick, mortar joints, cracked chimney crown issues, water damage, and deteriorating mortar.

Cracks in the bricks can indicate shifting or settling substructure, while water damage can lead to mold growth and further deterioration of new mortar in the structure. Deteriorating mortar can weaken joints in the structure, leading to potential safety hazards. A brick inspection can identify these issues and address them before they become more severe.

Benefits of Regular Brick Inspection

​Regular brick inspection can help maintain the safety and longevity of your home's structure. A professional inspector can identify any potential issues and address them before they become more severe.

Regular brick inspection can also save you money in the long run by addressing any issues before they become more costly to repair. It can also help maintain the aesthetic appeal of bricks in your home's structure, increasing the value of your property.

Masonry Repair Services in Peoria, IL

​If you need masonry repair services in Peoria, IL, contact a professional contractor. They can assess and repair any damage to your home's masonry structure, ensuring its safety and longevity.

Professional contractors follow safety protocols and ensure that the repair work is done correctly, preventing any further damage to the structure. They can also offer advice on how to maintain your home's masonry structure to prevent future issues.


​Waterproofing is an important step to protect it from the elements. It is especially important for structures such as walls, walkways, and patios that are exposed to the weather. Waterproofing provides a barrier between the masonry and water, preventing it from seeping in and causing damage. It also helps to protect against freeze-thaw cycles that can cause cracking and deterioration of your masonry.

Applying waterproofing is easy and can be done with just a few simple steps. First, make sure to clean the surface of any dirt or debris that can prevent the waterproofing from properly adhering. Then apply a coat of the waterproof sealant to all exposed surfaces. Finally, allow the sealant to dry completely before use to prevent water through or exposure to weather conditions. With these simple steps, you can ensure that your masonry remains protected for years to come!


​Masonry structures offer numerous benefits for homeowners, including durability, energy efficiency, and aesthetic appeal. However, it is essential to address any issues promptly to maintain the integrity of the structure.

Regular inspection and repair can help maintain the safety and longevity of your home's structure, preventing costly repairs in the future. If you notice cracks or any signs of a possible problems to your home's masonry structure, contact a professional masonry contractor for repair services. If you have chimney repairs or issues with your chimney crown or brick chimney, repairing it in a timely manner is extremely important.

By taking care of your home's masonry structure, you can ensure its safety and longevity, increasing the value of your property and providing peace of mind for you and your family.

Contact G.H. Erickson & Son

Contact us today for help in any projects you might have. We are a family owned and operated company. We care about the work we do and how its done.