Day 32 of 100 Days of Code – Back from school hell!

After having several week of being very busy from school, I am back to do some coding. It feels nice to start again. Anyways, I had started to code the web structure of my Product Landing Page project. I had thought of a little brand that my classmates and I made from months ago. It's called “ProSpecT”. We made this little brand for our school activity. It was a shoe or clothing brand that is targeted at athletes. I am going to design the product landing page with sport-related designs to fit the brand.

While I was coding in the web structure, I realized that I needed to have a image for the brand logo. The problem is that I am coding it in and the “img tag” only support image links. I spent the rest of the coding session finding a suitable image hosting service for my images. I found several services but I haven't chose one yet. Maybe tomorrow I will decide on it.

That's all for my coding session!

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