
I am forty-three today.

Wait?! What, how can I be this old?

I still feel young at heart. I remember turning twenty like it was yesterday. I get it, I am not young anymore, this I know; however, I still have so much more life to live. This pandemic has really shown me the importance of living my life fully. I will never take my life for granted because it is never guaranteed. I decided to narrow down a list of goals that I want to achieve in the next half of my life.

  1. Pursue a masters in Social Work and open up a private practice to provide counselling specifically to children and youth.
  2. Travel to all the places that I have dreamed of going this includes Australia, New Orleans and Bali.
  3. Love myself more.
  4. XRP to pay off so we can live a more comfortable life and help our loved ones so that they can also live more comfortably.
  5. Give back to others by both contributing financially and doing more volunteer work.
  6. Take both the boys on special trips for their 18th Birthdays. (Jake has already chosen NYC and Griffin is still undecided)
  7. Continue to spread kindness out into the world.
  8. Become a mother to wonderful daughter-in-laws and eventually become a grandmother.
  9. Pay off our home and invest in a vacation spot for friends and loved ones to enjoy.
  10. Write a book.

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