Happy Birthday Gord

I adore this guy! I wanted to wish him a special birthday because he deserves it.

He has been working his butt off for months and mostly does it with a smile and little complaints. This man is a hard worker and provides for his family always.

He is wicked funny 😄 in the most delightful ways. He comes up with stuff sometimes that seriously crack me up. I laugh all the time when I am around him. The kids will come downstairs to check on me because they can hear me roaring all the way upstairs by something Gord has said or done.

He is sneaky even though he will deny this. He is so sneaky!! Gord is always scheming or planning something. He loves surprises and enjoys making those he cares about happy.

If you haven’t already noticed, he loves making videos. This is very sweet. He will work on them for days until his big reveal. Playing a song over and over again so it is just right. He wants it to be perfect.

He is suprisingly fast...if you seen him in action you would be blown away. If he thinks someone is in danger, he is there in seconds. One time he ran outside in the freezing cold with only his shorts on. He stomped around on the icy snow with bare feet. Why you ask? He heard some commotion outside and saw a baby deer trapped in our yard. Charlie our lab was now chasing the deer and it kept falling everytime it almost jumped the fence. Gord didn’t want to see either of them hurt so he was right in the mix. He saved the day as always and no one was harmed including him.

He remembers everytime he has hurt someone that he cares about. He has a heart of gold and never wants to see anyone sad. He is a giant teddy bear that truly just wants to love and be loved. Unless he played hockey against you then watch out. He has zero patience or care for people who have wronged him or those he loves. I would never want to be on the wrong side of G because he can be ruthless.

Gord loves arts and crafts. Painting, drawing, pottery and even sewing. He is interested in it all and pours his heart into every project he tackles. The other day he did a cross-stitch to help Griffin with an online assignment. Daddy G is our go to guy when we need to sew a button on or patch up a hole in a pair of pants.

He loves movies more than anyone I know. He could watch one everyday. He also loves zombies almost as much and plans on how we will survive the zombie apocalypse one day. It terrifies me but I know with Gord around we will be just fine.

He is clumsy and falls all the time. Bang! We all look to see where Gord is because we just know that he has gone down. He is like Bam Bam! It’s insane how many times he has fallen at home and at work but for the most part comes out unharmed.

He is sappy and loves a heartfelt card or lovey dovey movie. I love that about him. He has showed the boys that it is okay to be emotional and vulnerable.

He is smart and incredibly talented. He can learn just about anything and can build and or fix most things. This always impresses me. Many have given him a hard time over cryptocurrency but I truly believe in him and he has made some amazing investments over the last few years. He is a forever dreamer and schemer and I love that about him.

He has overcome many adversities in his life. Stuttering was a massive hardship for him growing up and over the years he continues to challenge and push himself. When Gord starting blogging and then making videos on Cinnamon, he surprised us all. What a huge step! He has come so far and I couldn’t be more proud of him.

This is just a tiny bit about Gord and if you know him and love him, than you are a lucky person because he is truly a man among men. I look forward to travelling around the world with him one day and watching our babies and their babies grow.

Love you G