Momma Knows Best

I think there is something sacred about being a mother. We get to bond with our little ones even before they take their first breath. We know them intimately as they grow inside us and love them beyond comprehension. This makes us the best person to care for them and comfort them along with their dads. Momma’s know what their babies need and their intuition is strong, don’t doubt this.

The one thing that a new mother does not need is pushy advice. I think many of us just want to help but remember help looks differently to everyone. My advice is to always go in, “low and slow” and follow the lead of the parent. I have been a new momma myself and it was the most wonderful experience but also full of challenges. I appreciated the love and support from family and loved ones. My mom especially was so great and was reallly my partner in it all because I had little support from the dad. She was with me, every step of the way and did so lovingly. I firmly believe that it takes a village to raise a child.

What I am not okay with is, when others impose their opinions and views on new parents. It can be soul crushing for a momma. The absolute last thing that any new parent needs is to be criticized or judged. A mother knows what to do and what is best for their baby. Babies are excellent teachers as well and uniquely different; therefore, what may have worked well for one baby doesn’t mean it will work for another. The baby will let you know.

Often we forget about dad but they are equally important and always entitled to a say. I love when I see a dad fully hands on. This is so great! We gotta show them some love because they deserve it. Every family member will have different roles and responsibilities and parenting can look different in each family. In Canada, parenting time can be shared amongst parents and both are entitled to take time off. The family is entitled to getting 12 months of full benefits or 18 months, including job security. The financial contribution is the same amount either way. I am so proud of this Canada! I am happy that my country values parenting and bonding time. I think we are privileged for this opportunity.

Here are some things you can do, to show your support and love to a new and growing family:

Furry family members are also needing love and attention. Adding a baby into the family can be hard on them Offer to come by and let the dog out or check in on the family cat. Take them out for a walk or to the dog park.

We can easily find cute items for babies but how about moms. They needs some pampering too and even the smallest gestures can mean so much. The entire labor process is mentally and physically exhausting so showing them some love is a wonderful way to show your support. Gifts like bubble bath, lotions, spa certificates, essential oils and candles are the best.

Flowers are beautiful but they die and everyone needs to eat so this is a great way to help without being intrusive. Make an easy meal with all the fixings. There are lots of meal preparation companies, that have great ideas of ready to go meals for the family that is hearty. Pizza and takeout can get old real fast.

Offer to vacuum, wash some dishes or fold a load of laundry. This is so needed and it can take some of the weight off a new parent’s plate. Mom and dad are likely sleep deprived and exhausted, trying ever so hard to meet their babies needs. Household chores just aren’t on their top priority.

This may look very differently during the pandemic but let’s say there was no damn Corona then offer to cuddle the baby while momma can get some sleep, shower or watch a show. This could be the best gift ever. The gift of time is simply priceless.

This one will entirely depend on the momma and how she feels about being away from her baby. Remember this one rule, it is up to her. If she doesn’t feel comfortable, so be it. Whatever is best for the parent, needs to be respected. Follow mom and dad’s lead on this. It could help if you offer to come to their home especially with newborns. This may make them feel more at ease given the baby is in a comfortable surrounding and close by. Maybe mom and dad will have a date night in. This could totally be fun and a win win for everyone.

Thanks for reading ❤️

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