May 3, 2020

Day 9: Tell Me, What Day Is It?

I'm quite well aware of what day it is. Its a bright, sunny, close to 80 degree Sunday afternoon. We started our day pretty much like normal. that word, “normal”. Its really what its become these past several weeks in quarantine. A new normal at that. Sundays routine has become so different. The usual get up and get around and go to church is not what it used to be. Now I don't have to worry about what to wear to church!

On Sundays, my husband and I most generally turn on You-Tube to see our churches sermon of the day as well as 2-4 other services. Though this morning it was different. After seeing our pastors sermon, I went for my usual morning walk and my husband went out to farm. Don't get me wrong it was fine, there are just different mind sets to overcome. We typically don't farm on Sundays, but after such a wet year last year, and no crops in the ground, you can bet if its a nice day, its time to get out there.

So even though each day runs into the next, I simply remind myself each morning what day of the week it is, what day of the month it is, what activities if any are going on, or whats coming up and then go about my day. I think the weeks are going by even faster than before. Even though I really don't have a schedule I seem to have no trouble finding plenty of things to do. Which reminds me its time to go out and enjoy this beautiful day. Happy Sunday!
