June 11, 2020

Day 31 Overcoming Negative Chatter and Depression

Yes I have to admit I battle with negative chatter in my head on a regular basis. Depression unfortunately is like an old forgotten acquaintance that comes to visit from time to time and I work hard to keep it out of my life. They say when one is clinically depressed there is no cure. I beg to differ. A personal relationship with Jesus, praise and worship, piano playing, exercising, talking with my husband along with positive input has done wonders.

When I was in Fulton County Stress Center many years ago there were activities we did on a regular basis to help us with our depression:

1) Exercise 2) Balanced meals 3) medication 4) therapy 5) Positive thinking 6) Proper sleep

Though I am not on any kind of medication, And I don’t go to therapy, I do know when any of these get out of balance it can throw a person into a negative state of mind. I also find having a smart phone and spending too much time on social media can also have a negative effect on me. I compare myself with others and think negative thoughts of self. I have chosen to limit my negative intake .

I cannot say I have conquered all the negative chatter, but each day I’m learning to forgive myself, and others, love myself and others, and work at making this world a better place one positive thought at a time.
