June 16, 2020

Day 33 How much do we consider birds?

Matthew 6:26 NASB Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they?

On my daily walks I have taken time to observe the various birds that are around our house and surrounding farm grounds.It’s a given that barn swallows are a great asset to your property. Many would disagree because while nesting, they are very messy birds. Yet it is those birds that help keep our mosquito population down. From the breaking of dawn till the setting of the sun you see these birds swooping and dive bombing all over looking and catching food. In a much similar category there are the king birds, blue birds, mocking birds, robins and humming birds that eat various insects by watching , flying down and catching. Chipping sparrows fall into this category as well as I’ve observed a mother and father feeding their young, bugs for lunch.

There are your seed eaters as well. Black headed sparrows, gold finches, starlings, meadow larks, sparrows and morning doves.

It is true as scripture says that they always seem to have plenty to eat without the need of little birdie houses to store their stuff in. It is true we live much differently than birds but I think the big picture is not to worry. Because our Father loves and cares for us, He also supplies bountifully for our needs. So often we forget to ask and sometimes our motives are wrong in what we ask for and therefore don’t receive because of those wrong motives.

Lord, teach me to trust you to provide my every need just like you provide bountifully for our “little feathered friends.
