May 5, 2020

Day 11: Learning Patience

They say anything worth having is worth waiting for. Last week I got the opportunity to experience a little of that. With being under quarantine and the meetings that take place via Skype, FaceTime and Zoom, it hasn’t taken me long to figure out in order to see more faces on my device, I needed something a bit bigger. I inquired from my son the tech guru, what he would suggest. So after discussing a few possibilities I made a purchase.

I received my tablet last Monday excited to set things up and get going on learning how to use it. I took it out of its packaging and proceeded to turn it on. Nothing. I thought maybe it was out of battery so I plugged in in for an hour and tried again. Nothing . I looked at how to force restart. Nothing. I was beginning to think my tablet was dead on arrival! Sure enough everything I tried didn’t work and I started the process of sending it back. I was frustrated to say the least.

I had ordered a case for it and another tool to use with it. I had received both of them and continued to wait patiently for it to arrive. Finally, today the tablet came . I held my breath as I repeated the process of starting up. Success! It started up this time and everything worked.

I’m learning ever so slowly that things happen for a reason. I don’t know why it didn’t work. Some things cant be explained. Thankfully I didn’t blow by stack over it. Here’s to learning more technology!
