May 6,2020

Day 12: Should I or should I not? That was the question...

When my husband and I were dating he already had a “hand me down dog” that had belonged to his cousin . A beautiful sheltie/boarder collie mix. His name was Shawn. A great watch dog, and guard dog.

After Shawn passed away, we inherited K.C. From one of our land renters. They didn’t want K.C. Because he dug up their flower beds. So once again we inherited another dog. K.C had more Collie in him. We had him for some time though I can’t put a time span on it. I asked the kids and they thought quite awhile, and died shortly after we returned from a family vacation.

Then there was Vanilla, which my father-in-law always called, “Banana’s.” Again she was given to us by a friend of the family that was moving and needed a good home. Vanilla was a chow mix of some kind. We knew that because of her purple tongue! During the cold winter months I can still remember the cats sitting on top of Vanilla to stay warm. I was Vanilla’s demise unfortunately. Running late picking up a child from school and Vanilla was slowly walking behind the car.

We jump now to June of 2011. We were finishing up a week of Vacation Bible School at our nearby church. One of the families had brought several animals for a petting zoo, among the variety of animals were 4 puppies. They were so cute... I was smitten. Should I bring a puppy home unannounced? The logic behind my decision was that the kids had never had their own puppy. So I took my chances and when I came home from VBS, a little bundle was in my lap. The rest has been history. To say Oreo is my dog is an understatement. My kids say she gets more attention than they do. I must say she has been a good companion for me. If it weren’t for her I wouldn’t be out for walks every day and I sure wouldn’t have taking up the hobby of picture taking and enjoying nature. I know pets don’t last for ever but for now she still makes me laugh when she is all sprawled out on her back to keep flies off, tilting her head when I ask her if she wants a walk, and her announcing the UPS man is here with her barks waiting for his treats for her.
