// 9:12 am

I've been up for several hours and have been rather lazy. I watched a few YouTube videos when I got up – mostly just recommended madness that didn't add value to my life in any way. Got some laundry started, showered, made some coffee and sat outside on my back patio and watched the sunlight getting more intense. It's an East facing balcony, and it's nice to get the early morning light, and stay disconnected as long as I can. Even to just sit and enjoy the cool air before the sun climbs higher in the sky, above our large mountain range, and really heats things up. My kitties all loved lounging outside as well, and immediately laser focus on any birds that fly by, or even land and dance around within view. The cats couldn't ever get to them, as we're about 15 feet up with an enclosed balcony, but I think they like the experience of just pretending to hunt. I've kept the cats as indoors cats on purpose, mainly to keep them from needlessly murdering a shit-load of birds. It's actually a huge problem and cats are responsible for billions of bird deaths every year, and some species are even at risk now due to cats. If you have any interest in it, just search it up online and see some crazy numbers.

My girlfriend brought over her cat when she moved in (I had two of my own prior) and she would let her cat roam free outside at her previous house. Of course, he would bring in multiple dead, or half dead, birds every week, meaning every year he probably killed 100+ birds, for no reason except the intense urge to hunt and kill. We've kept him inside as well, which I think he's enjoyed. At first, it was clearly a struggle, as he wanted to break free and roam the new neighborhood. But I think he's gotten used to the spoils of being an inside cat and living the life of luxury and convenience.

As the sun got higher in the sky, and the heat immediately began to increase in intensity, we moved inside, keeping the blinds mostly closed to help keep the heat down inside. We have been sitting in the living room – the main jungle room, with the bird sounds playing 24/7 – sipping coffee, browsing our laptops, and chatting.

My lady has a friend that is going through a rough time, and she wants to talk to her and basically share her feelings and opinions on her friend's “destructive behavior patterns”, in an attempt to 'shed some light on things'. I discussed a few points about why she feels she needs to do such a thing, instead of just letting her friend live her own life and do whatever she wants, without interference or judgment from someone else. We went deeper into that type of discussion. Overall, my point was that my lady only wanted to share her opinion in an attempt to get her friend to stop her behavior, so my lady didn't have to 'deal' with it any longer, basically, it was all a selfish attempt to control someone in order to cut out the experiences that weren't wanted, by my lady. If that makes sense.

(Sorry, I'm sure this isn't making sense at all. I just realized it would be easier if I used names instead of categories or titles, such as “the friend” or “my lady”, so maybe I'll make a pseudonym for people in the future).

She agreed with my comments and decided to not interfere with her friends decision to uproot her life and run to Hawaii, after a bad relationship experience. (My lady says anytime something happens, her friend will just uproot and “run away” and mask the issue and cover it up with overly-intense spiritual themed pathways about “her guides” telling her to leave, or “her flow” guiding her to do something, while never really looking withing and realizing her own self-destructive behaviors).

Anyways... She asked for my advice and I mentioned to just give her friend love, and then let it go entirely. Don't hold on to any expectations or demands, or limitations, and certainly to not place them on her friend. Give her love, encourage her own self-exploration and freedom, and just support her in whatever way she can without interfering. Putting boundaries on people, expectations, or making someone feel guilty, especially in response to a bad relationship experience, isn't ever fun for anyone.

Give love, let go.

Of course, the discussion was intensely deeper than just that basic summary, but with my own lack of interest in writing it all out, I'm fine with slaughtering the overall summary and letting it be that, above. haha.

Now, my favorite kitty is laying on my lap, covering one of my arms, as I write on my laptop (as he loves to lay ON things, such as arms, or legs, or shoes, or whatever). We're just enjoying the cool air inside my house.

No set plans for today. I think it'll be a pretty chill day. I'll probably work on some writing and brainstorming. The house does need to be cleaned up a little to get ready for a new week. And I'm sure we'll do some form of exercise and/or yoga today. I'll set up my calisthenic bar set that I got from www.baseblocks.fit (the double bars), and do some working out.

Oh, I just remembered I have a huge watermelon in the fridge that's ready to go, so there's breakfast/lunch! I'll go cut that now...

More later...

Give Love. Let go.
