Well, I attempted the disappointing phone call to the lady that isn't getting the position. I knew it was going to bum her out, big time. She wanted it so badly. I finally decided to just rip the band-aid off and call her, instead of letting the anxiety get worse within me. So, I dialed and let it ring.

But, she didn't answer.

I waited about 15 minutes, and tried again.

No answer.

I didn't feel it appropriate to leave a voicemail with the bad news. So, I opted to just hang up again.

Not that an email is more or less appropriate, but I decided to just be lazy and send an email over to convey the bad news. It was the next best thing, right?

I kind of feel guilty doing it 'the easy way', but I'm not going to play phone tag with her all day, either.

So, it is what it is.

The email has been sent, the owner cc'd. Done and over with.

Now, my work day is over. A little longer than expected, but that's how it sometimes goes when I get stuck in a few things longer that I hoped for. We had volunteers out on the farm today helping my manager take care of the grounds, and I paused to chat with them a while and answer some questions, and even gave a little mini tour of our hydroponic greenhouse. People always want to see that – we call it 'the precious', in a Lord of the Rings Schmegal voice.

But yeah, workday is over. Weekend is here. I mean, it's only 1:15pm right now, so only working for about 3 hours on Friday isn't so bad. I have it pretty good.

I'm going to head out and do a few errands on the way home. Mostly just stopping at the grocery store to stock up for the weekend. I've been craving some sweet potatoes lately, and I'm going to go to one of the big box store's I have a membership at and load up on a bunch of key things: beans, quinoa, pasta, rice, potatoes, tons of veggies and fruits galore. Nothing bagged or processed, and certainly no junk (for me anyways). I also have several large bags of our own greens that I get to take home too – another perk of working on a farm is always having a constant supply of fresh greens, herbs, and veggies. A vegan's dream job.

My lady just messaged me via Signal (my main messenger app for e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g) with a request for “dark, salty chocolate”. So, I need to find that for her and be a good boyfriend. During her lady times, it's best if I just make things as cozy and comfy for her. Not only for her experience as she goes through that stuff, but also for myself.

I created two rules/guidelines for life that I live by:

  1. Give Love, to yourself, and others.
  2. Let go.

More later.
