
The daily muxlix musings

Was an okay day – a lot of stress. But looking back at what came out of the day is positive.

The evening has spent talking a walk with the spouse and the smallest one. Sunny and nice evening until when we where as long way from home as possible and the little one started to cry. She was inconsolable for the rest of the way home. Probably stomach pains. We just managed to calm her down and now I hope we will be able to get her to sleep.

Super tired so cutting it short tonight!


Usually I'm not the biggest fan of Netflix. They are full of really bad content. Movies that are not worth spending any time at all on. But tonight I found Historical Roast or similar. It's a show where a famous person from history is being roasted by other famous people. Short episodes and really funny. Recommended!


One of my personal goals with writing here is to do it regularly. So far I have past the first milestone – the 10 days mark. No need to write a long novel every day but at least a short two sentence post i perfectly good. Just to check-in. The days I feel I have more time and more to say I can also write more.

This was a good Sunday. Took the kids to, surprise surprise, a birthday party. This time it was a cinema party so I had to drop them off and then go to a café to wait them out. This was good, I was able to check some of the things of my list of things to do. After the party I dropped the kids of with their mom. And went home to go and vote with my spouse. I kind of miss them already – house is so quite without them.

Luckily the rain stopped and we could walk to the voting place. We talked a lot. Something we have missed lately since I've been living in my head. Thinking and worrying. Not good for me, not good for my relationship. This time walking together and talking quietly was really important for both of us. Two well invested hours.

Tomorrow it is Monday. I don't look forward to it super much. But I think the week will be calmer than last. So take a deep breath. And enjoy the rest of the day/evening before it is time to sleep.


And still no word from the people!

This was a pretty calm day. Kids where in a good mood since there was birthday parties again. And also tomorrow. While the younger ones was at one party, the older one and me went biking in the forest. We had a lot of fun and it was also super relaxing for me. Not to have the brain constantly worrying about work.

We had a cosy evening. Barbeque and a nice game of guessing the animal. Realy uneven since the younger ones came up with animals like eagle which was quickly guessed but the older one came up with “unicorn fish” – which I never heard of. Impossible to guess.

We took the dog for a walk. Beautiful sunny evening. The kids where on their kick bikes. Laughing away and of course on of the younger ones fell and hit the nose and the forehead. Blood everywhere. We had to walk home and get cleaned up. We where really lucky that it wasn't worse then that. I hope that his was a lesson and that they take it slower on the steep down hills in the future.

I have not spent particular much time on neither phone or computer. Feels good to be completely offline. Writing this post is the only online time I really had today. Tomorrow I will need to do some work so will need to get connected again. I am really tired and I am looking forward to get some nice rest.


I had a pretty okay night to start with. I was woken up by my daughter and after that I had a hard time falling back to sleep. After a while I decided to leave the bedroom for the living room so that I could get some light to read without disturbing the wife and baby.

I found a pretty interesting article about some privacy issues over at Snap Chat. The post can be found at Motherboard and I recommend it as a quick and interesting read. It is about Snap's internal tool called SnapLion. This can be misused to invade users privacy and find information such as private messages and geo-locations.

There is reportedly only a few incidents where the tool has been misused. From the article I get the impression that snap has pretty good rules and procedure in place for who and how the tool can be used. But it is of course enough to have one rotten employee to misuse this to ruin the whole trust for the company.

This also got me thinking about the current state of social media. We hear about these privacy issues popping up everywhere. There is not a (monolithic) social network that does not have privacy problems. And that is probably the main issue with social media today. That it is monolithic where one company owns and controls the whole network. And with that a lot of power and responsibility. A responsibility they are not able to handle.

I hope I get some sleep this upcoming night. Otherwise, who know, maybe I find another interesting article.


This was a really productive day. I refused to spend the 5 hours in a car and took the meeting remotely. This gave me the opportunity to get a lot of other things done that otherwise would not have been done. I still spent many hours on a call that didn't give me that much value but still a big improvement.

I sent a message to the support but to be able to buy my subscription using crypto currency. There are two possible explanations to this delay. They where super quick to answer – and got back to me before my tutanota account was activated or they still haven't responded. I would not be surprised if it is not the first. Will give them an other try today.

I am quite interested in privacy and is compartmentalizing my online life. I use different personas for different things. These are completely different identities that never cross each others paths. For example this blog I never access outside of tor. Everything I do related to this realm I have a special email account for. Again only ever accessed using tor.

The reason I want to pay for these services using crypto currency is so that I can't be traced using the money trail either. There is no other reason for me doing this than that I can, and I feel good to be completely private / anonymous. After all the things I write here is very personal.


Woke up early this morning – plan was to get a lot of things done. But I did one of many things and then I felt sick from how tired I was. Went to rest a bit on the sofa. It helped but was a long tired day. I have huge issues getting motivated and I feel incredibly depressed. I am way over stressed.

The list with stuff I need to do is also very long. But from now on I will say no to essentially everything new that comes in. I need to get stuff done and delivered before I start looking at getting more things to deliver through the door.

A really bad thing is that I don't feel that I get the support needed from my team. They are not taking their own initiative to get stuff done and they are constantly dropping balls that ends up with me... And this add on to my plate and my stress levels.

Tomorrow I will waste a way 5-6 hours in a car to do a meeting that will not provide anything. I am thinking if there is any way for me to get out of that to be able to produce things instead of driving a car. That would be ideal.


Well one thing is certain. My GOT prediction from yesterday was wrong. Really wrong. And added to this the episode was really bad.. even a waste of time.

Spent the evening meeting my potentially new colleagues. We will see in a few days!


At least this week. It was rough... First at work, too much to do and on top of this I had some uncomfortable calls with a customer that didn't know what they ordered. Claiming they sent everything over in a specification. Problem was only that the specification was sent after the contract was signed. A week after the contract was signed. And they contradict what was agreed to in the contract. Well it was not much of a specification it was more of a wishlist.

We will probably find a solution so that everyone is happy but it drains so much energy.

To add on top of this I had the worst fight with my oldest son. He was using bad words and was challenging and had overall bad behavior. He pushed it to far that he lost internet access to his iPad. And after that he was miserable. But I have decided to not give in this time and he will not get it back until he admits he did wrong. Thank Linux for making firewalls generally available.

But the highlight (or maybe not so much if you should trust the ratings) is to nights episode of Game of Thrones. This is the last episode of season 8 which is supposed to be the last season and I have been able to not get any spoilers yet. Really looking forward to watch it. I think that this will be a major kill all episode. Denarius will of course be assassinated and John Snow will get the Iron throne and since he doesn't want it he will split the 7 kingdoms into... 7 kingdoms. But first Tyrion will be fried by the last dragon. Tomorrow I will sum up how good my guesses was... probably way off...


This weekend have been full of birthday parties. Yesterday, 2 boys. Today, 4 girls. A small fortune has been spent to just buy gifts. Next weekend there is a few more parties coming up. But then summer starts and birthday party season is over. If your birthday is during the summer you usually plan it right before the summer holidays or right after.

I had a good night and I did not put an alarm. This made me sleep until 9. I am usually up at 5 so a pretty long and relaxing night. But tomorrow it is Monday and the normal 5 am bell will wake me up.

I have some pretty big changes coming up to my work life. When that is done I will slow down. The pace I am working in right now is not sustainable. I will probably wake up early in the morning. This I am already doing but to get up to speed with work. But instead of answering emails and fixing issues I will use the time to write. I, as so many other, has this longing to write a book in my life. I will start doing that. I have the majority of the plot ready, but I will need to write an outline so that it sticks together in the end. This is however a couple of months into the future.

I have not done to much thinking into why I want to write a book. But I can picture myself holding the finished and printed book in my hand knowing that I did this. And this is something that will probably stay around long after I have past on. I will however probably write the book under a pseudonym so no one will know it was me...

I am already doing a lot of writing. I maintain my blog and I am doing my daily journal here at Just to write a couple of paragraphs or in the worst of cases just a few sentences feels really good to me.
