Nerd for Hire

Freelance scribbler exploring worlds real and imagined

I’ve been working on a few new projects lately, including many short stories for a linked collection as well as two independent novellas (or what I think will be novellas, which is maybe a discussion for a different post) and that means coming up with lots of character names. This is something of a problem for me because I’m historically quite bad at it.

Character names are one of those details that feel incredibly loaded and important and can utterly derail me from making progress on a new draft, no matter how much I tell myself I can always go back and change them later. Hell, even real humans have that option down the line, and it’s much more complicated to alter a real-world personal identity than to simply Find/Replace in a Word document.

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I’ve been relatively stationary in Pittsburgh for the first half of 2023 but I’ve got a couple of trips coming up in the next few months. My first trip of the year starts in a week, and it’s a new one for me: a visit to a national park (Yosemite) followed by a cross-country Amtrak excursion back to Pittsburgh.

I’ve done long road trips in the past, but typically the destinations have been urban areas—places I thought I could count on getting easy access to things like power and Wi-Fi. I didn’t always plan ahead properly, and as a result I learned:

  • Outlets can be a hot commodity when you’re working out of coffee shops or other public spaces
  • Just because a place offers free Wi-Fi doesn’t mean it works
  • Long-distance Amtrak routes don’t have Wi-Fi, and Greyhound Wi-Fi is spotty

These things are annoyances for typical travelers, but can be huge sources of stress for working writers who have clients waiting for responses and assignments that need to be completed by a deadline. Being prepared for potential snags can save you a lot of headaches and wasted time, letting you actually enjoy your travels and keep up with your work at the same time.

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Like most things in the world, the publishing landscape has changed dramatically since the dawn of the internet. That change has happened at an inconsistent pace, though. Some established publishers stuck by their old school print-subs-or-bust guns until the 2010s (and print subs are clinging on by their fingernails even today), while other journals have been online only since the early aughts.

This inconsistency has led to some conflicting advice for writers submitting their work. Some things that used to be must-include formatting or info is now seen as antiquated, and including it makes you come across as out of touch or ill-informed.

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Vanessa MacLaren-Wray 138 pages Paper Angel Press (2020)

Read this if you like: Chilling Effect by Valerie Valdez, Isaac Asimov, Vernor Vinge

tl;dr summary: Alien poet/trust fund child adopts an injured human and manages not to kill her in his attempts to help her.

See the book on Bookshop

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I went to two conferences for the first time in July. One of them has been happening for years, the Confluence Sci-Fi and Fantasy Convention. The second just started this year, the Wildcat Lit Fest at the newly-renovated Wildcat Mansion in Franklin, PA.

I took part in workshops at both events, and between those and the panels I filled up a quarter of a notebook with awesome tips and ideas to improve my writing. Here are some of the highlights that especially resonated with me (and will hopefully be useful for other folks looking for writing tips!)


Any writer who regularly sends out their work has no doubt come across a few contests along the way—and some of these don’t come cheap. The typical entry fee I see for contests is in the $10-$20 range, but I’ve seen entries as high as $50 a pop, and it’s fairly common for contests for book-length manuscripts to have entries of $25 higher.

This leads to the natural question: is it worth it? Sure, someone’s going to walk away with a pretty good payday—but that’s true of Powerball drawings, too, and no one’s ever said playing the lotto regularly is a smart financial decision.

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Stories can come from the most unexpected places. Training yourself to pay attention to these small moments of inspiration can help you to find the stories that are floating around you in everyday life.

Case in point: even just your regular trip to the grocery store can be a goldmine of potential stories. Here are three prompts to help you develop that paying-attention-to-the-mundane muscle.

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F. G. Haghenbeck 282 pages Oceano (2018)

Read this if you like: Magical realism, Mexican culture, speculative non-fiction

tl;dr summary: Frida Kahlo’s life story, mostly.

See the book on Bookshop

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As a reader, you can feel the difference between a rounded and a flat character pretty quickly, even if you’re not sure why. Rounded characters are the ones you can picture having a conversation with, or walking down the street. They’re the ones with the power to make you feel—you might love or hate them, but whether you’re thrilled by their successes or infuriated with the decisions they make, the elicit real emotion when you read them on the page.

As a writer, figuring out how to create that kind of fully-realized character on the page isn’t quite so easy. But it is imperative to figure out if you want to truly immerse readers in the stories you tell…at least, most of the time. Let’s take a closer look at what makes a character three-dimensional, how to build that into your characters, and when you need to.

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In Game of Thrones they’re mounts and symbols of ancient power. In The Wheel of Time, it’s the title and symbol of the Chosen One. Then there’s Smaug from The Hobbit, the dragons of Pern, the various species encountered by Harry Potter—and so on.

It makes sense that dragons are one of the most popular mythical creatures in modern fiction because they’re just as common in folklore and myth. Just about every culture around the world has some kind of dragon in its ancient legends—and, interestingly, they’re often called a very similar thing. Drage in Danish, Drak in Czech, Ddraig in Welsh, Dreki in Icelandic, Draak in Afrikaans, Dragun in French, Drakon in Greek—you’re sensing a theme here. Then there’s the East Asian cluster, with names like Long (Chinese), Naga (Indonesia/India), and Rong (Vietnamese), which might not look as similar on the page but still bear the signs of a shared source.

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