Nerd for Hire


Christine Stroud 58 pages Disorder Press (2017)

Read this if you like: hybrid stories, fragmented narratives, grief and loss narratives

tl;dr summary: Twin grieves and remembers her sister in the aftermath of her suicide

See the book on Disorder Press’ website

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Brandon O’Brien 64 pages Interstellar Flight Press (2021) 

Tl;dr summary: Eldritch horror meets pop culture meets Blackness meets black humor, all mixed together and with line breaks

Read this if you like: Elwin Cotman, speculative poetry, hip hop culture

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Elwin Cotman 89 pages Nomadic Press (2023)

Read this if you like: mythic fantasy, punk poetry, Haruki Murakami tl;dr summary: Combination poetry collection and story about a galaxy-traveling wizard

See the book on Bookshop

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