Nerd for Hire


Gustavo Bondoni 281 pages Guardbridge Books (2017) 

tl;dr summary: Intergalactic expats return to Earth to find its humans now live entirely in a simulation.

Read this if you like: The Matrix, Vernor Vinge, Ann Leckie

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Star Trek consistently takes a human-centric approach to science fiction. There are a multitude of species and worlds but the focus stays with Starfleet and its predominantly human-crewed ships. More unusual compared to other sci-fi universes, artificial intelligence is almost non-existent. In the Star Trek timeline, the first android wasn’t created until 2330, hundreds of years after technology like the transporter and warp drive. Compare that to, say, Isaac Asimov’s I, Robot, where robots are common in the 21st century, but space travel is still limited to the immediate solar system.

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