Non-Monetized Together #svalien


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I’m so tired of hearing this from people. Whenever a disgraced celebrity, such as Kanye West or Sia, comes out as autistic, there will always be somebody who will claim that the autism is a PR attempt for levelling public backlash against them. These people are very uninformed on what autism means.

News flash: autism is not, and never was, a status symbol for protecting someone from being criticized. It is a medical term for people who mentally process things differently than other people.

Some people will respond to Kanye, Sia, or Brewdog CEO James Watt with “autism isn’t a get-out-of-jail-free card,” but these comments are still wrong because they feel a need to bring up the PR aspect unprompted. None of these three public figures never said anything about it being a get-out-of-jail-free card.

Anybody who thinks autism is a PR tool is completely detached from reality. They need to stop sensationalizing things and get in touch with the life experiences of the people around them. Could celebrities be taking advantage of people who have this wrong idea about autism? Maybe, but if commentators stop associating autism with PR, then autism won’t be an effective PR tool.

Before I leave, I noticed that even though Nonmonetized Together keeps getting more and more views, nobody other than me has written an article for it yet. I started Nonmonetized Together because I wanted a place where anybody on the Internet could have their voice taken seriously. Because of this, I would appreciate it if you provided me feedback as to why you haven’t yet wrote an article for this publication. Are there any changes you want me to make to Nonmonetized Together first?

#Autism #Neurodivergence #Society #Celebrity #Feedback
