Non-Monetized Together #svalien


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A depressed man struggling to find a job. A Redditor eager to learn how to be supportive to their gay coworker. A group of music enthusiasts fighting over racial issues. These are all-too-familiar experiences for many people, but the mainstream media won’t publish any stories about them because the people involved aren’t important (by the media’s standards).

These barriers don’t exist on Nonmonetized Together. By writing stories about ordinary people I see on the Internet, I challenge social hierarchies and show people that these stories can be just as important as the issues that involve major politicians, tech CEOs, and movie stars.

The divide between public visibility and invisibility is consistently prevalent in our society. In sociology, for example, a perspective has to come from an academic to be taken seriously. Furthermore, Wikipedia has guidelines against including information from “non-notable” people.

And what about the mainstream media? Journalists need to report stories that impact ordinary people. How can this be achieved without giving people a voice? What the mainstream media will almost always do is to describe ordinary people as an intangible crowd. This could mean making reference to trending hashtags, or featuring statements from activist organizations, or anything else that paints ordinary people’s experiences as belonging to a collective.

But you may be thinking, I’ve seen completely unknown people get interviewed on the news. And I would say, yes, but the examples you’re thinking of probably fall into one of two categories. Ordinary people sometimes get interviewed when they represent a large collective group (like the transgender community, for instance) or when they play a small role in a big news story.

My point is, there aren’t enough articles where ordinary people represent nobody but themselves. They aren’t the stars of their own story. This is restricted to celebrities like Tom Brady or Selena Gomez. I’m not only basing this off my own experiences, but off of the surprised reactions I get from other people online when I write an article about people who usually don’t get heard. This reveals that the media’s ivory tower is so high up that its workers can’t even make out individual faces from a crowd. How can we expect them to make out a narrative?

And this is how Nonmonetized Together is different than the mainstream media. In the past, I have been guilty of using the term “the masses” to refer to ordinary people. I will no longer do that. Nonmonetized Together is a tool that publicly invisible could use to empower their voices, so I will treat them as individuals, not crowds.

This is not only a goal of Nonmonetized Together, but also one of the purposes that Medium was built on. While giving a platform to the unknown is a step in the right direction, there’s still more that can be done. Most Medium bloggers still don’t write stories about ordinary people unless that ordinary person is themselves or a member of their family.

There’s so much value in taking something you’ve seen from an online rando and bringing it into a different context, or adding further information, or showing what you have learned from it. Writers do this all the time with the rich and powerful. If we want society to give low-status people the strength and agency they deserve, writers must write stories about these people too, and explain why they matter.

My drive to ignore social status is rooted in my Catholic upbringing. If there is one Catholic value that made an impact on me, it’s that, and I don’t think it’s ever going to go away. The concept of treating people differently based off their social status creates a very instinctual feeling of disgust inside of me. It feels like I’m treating someone as if they were a different species.

#Power #Media #Society #SocialStatus #SocialJustice


I would like to present the people with the greatest-rising association with the word “terrorist,” every year from 2005-2023, according to Google Trends. Some of these examples demonstrate the demonization of different identity groups by society over time as well as the wide variety of cases the term “terrorist” is used for.

The names in this article are based on worldwide data, not country-specific data. I know data may vary depending on country, but I think basing it on worldwide data can show us the enemy of the country that was the most powerful at the time.

In 2005, the face of terrorism was Volkswagen.

In 2006, the face of terrorism was Zinedine Zidane.                                     

In 2007, the face of terrorism was Achmed the Dead Terrorist.

In 2008, the face of terrorism was Bill Ayers.

In 2009, the face of terrorism was the Taliban.

In 2010, the face of terrorism was Carlos the Jackal.

In 2011, the face of terrorism was Osama bin Laden.

In 2012, the face of terrorism was Anna Hazare.

In 2013, the face of terrorism was Dzhokar A Tsarnaev.

In 2014, the face of terrorism was the Islamic State.

In 2015, the faces of terrorism were Christian terrorists.

In 2016, the face of terrorism was Black Lives Matter.

In 2017, the faces of terrorism were anti-fascists.

In 2018, the faces of terrorism were Islamic terrorists.

In 2019, the face of terrorism as the United States Coast Guard.

In 2020, the faces of terrorism were the U.S. State Department List of Foreign Terrorist Organizations.

In 2021, the face of terrorism was the Taliban.

In 2022, the face of terrorism was state-sponsored terrorism.

In 2023, the face of terrorism was Hamas.

I knew it! Social media is depersonalizing how we view each other! From 2014 onward, the enemy has been organizations, while from 2005-2013, it has been mostly individuals. Honestly, I enjoyed it more back then, when people understood that there was variation within groups.

Can you make out any other patterns from the data?

#Terrorism #GoogleTrends #Media #Representation #Culture

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This article was originally published to Medium on March 6, 2022 (

My previous ILLUMINATION article was about the struggles the media can have with providing backup evidence on their stories about current events. In it, I recall how I read current events articles and think about ways the articles could have possibly misrepresented the event, while acknowledging that maybe they did, maybe they did not. I would only know about the accuracy if they made their original sources available to me!

I thought I should write an article where I detail this process. I will go on Google News and pick out five of the top articles on the front page. Then, for each article, I will put forth the topics that the journalist failed to cover, questions they could have answered, and sources they could have linked to. My hypothesis is that at least three of the five articles will either not provide sufficient evidence or leave important questions unanswered.

Before I begin, I should clarify that even though I am highlighting areas that I think the article should explore, I do not want to imply that their coverage of these areas should come to a particular conclusion. I am merely stating questions that the article could have answered, not answers that they could have put forth. Also, remember that news stories often update over time, so the story might be slightly different when you click on the link.

Off we go.

The top articles on my Google News feed. I discuss all five of these articles in this blog post

My first article will be the one about road closures at the top of the photo. Here it is:

Not only do we not know the original quotes that CP24 are paraphrasing from, we also do not know if the info was obtained through email, social media, in-person discussion, or any other method. Also, CP24 are not revealing anything about the sources other than that they are “police,” “firefighters,” and “Environment Canada.” I am not saying they need to say their name but maybe they should reveal their job title or department?

Also, the article does not say how long we can expect these roads to be closed for. Though, it is probably too early to tell as this is a breaking news article at the time of writing

Next up is the story about Ontario’s COVID deaths: The Sunday data in the article is not mentioned in any of the summaries yet, but there is a link at the bottom of the page that directs you to where the figures will eventually appear. So, I have no problem with this article.

I will follow up that with the one about Quebec’s COVID statistics: This article has absolutely ZERO citations. While the statistics should probably be easy to find shortly, I have some questions about the findings:

When they say that unvaccinated people are 7.7 times more likely to be hospitalized for COVID-19 and 15.4 times more likely to end up in the UCU, who are they comparing them to? People who have one vaccine? Two? Three? There is no way to know if, for example, totals from people with one vaccination and totals from people with two vaccinations are combined and then compared to unvaccinated people. Of course, this would provide useless data, since they would combine two wildly different groups of people to the unvaccinated group. This needs to be clarified. And when they say that Quebec is encouraging people to report the status of at-home rapid tests, how many people are complying?

On the upside, the article does clarify a lot of the limitations about their findings. That is the only reason for me to well-informed, though.

Shifting focus to the Russian invasion of Ukraine:

At least this article cites the names and positions of the analysts that are quoted, but some of the quotes could be taken out of context. However, at the bottom of the page, they clarified the method that was used to find them — Reuters files.

There are still some claims in the article that must be confirmed. They should link the statement from the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on the number of civilian casualties in Ukraine, as well as explain why the true number is unknown and expected to be higher. I would also like to see evidence concerning the calls for a tribunal to investigate Russia. The article reports that the tribunals will be similar to the 1993 trial against Bosnia — in what ways? Are there any ways it will be different?

The last article is about the leader of the inquiry:

Unlike CBC News, The Guardian’s article did not link to Karim Khan’s statement on investigating the conflict. Well, I shouldn’t say that. The article links to another Guardian article with a video, but the video won’t play for some reason. Maybe there is a clip in the video that shows confirmation, but I can’t say for sure.

This article has a ton of information, and I can’t think of any questions it leaves unanswered, save for “where are you getting these facts from?” There are a few citations in the article, but there are many other claims that are left incomplete. There are too many examples to list them all, but some of them include comments from the Legal 500 that Khan is “a go-to lawyer,” his involvement with the international criminal tribunal of Rwanda, and an open letter he wrote about how he aimed to reduce intimidation as the defence council for the Kenyan vice-president.

Hence, four of the five articles still have a lot of cleaning up to do. It must be truly difficult for most people to let go of the idea that most current events reports have a high enough standard of publication to be trustworthy. I don’t see the point of checking articles on current events if they don’t bother to provide sufficient evidence. Hearsay does not have the right to be this powerful.

January 2024 update: I recently changed my mind and started carefully following the news.

#Media #MediaLiteracy #CurrentEvents #JournalisticStandards #News


Medium Comments:

I feel like a lot of news stations are more gossip about events that are happening anymore as apposed to being a genuine opinion free, source for information. There are always alternative motives for the broadcasters that output news anymore and I feel like the politicized nature of it all is a good example of how much they don’t care to present news at it is. I would like to see a news outlet that creates video works without emitting any judgements or opinions for people to really gather all the facts and have an informed opinion. Sorry went off on a little rant about the news. Lol I enjoyed your article and I like that you are pointing out additional information that could have been added or shared to create a more well rounded story !! 🙏❤️😁

Sabrina Johnson

Glad you enjoyed my article. I don’t think news sources are going to be less opinionated because opinions are sometimes part of the news story, especially if the topic is politics or activism. But I do hope they link to more sources, cover the topic in more detail, and wait a bit more before publishing.

Kevin the Nonmonetized

Yes great points. Thank for your sharing your thoughts and opinions 🙏

Sabrina Johnson

They just want clicks and will write anything to get them nd the ad revenue. Truth is of no importance. Nice insight.

Ants Space in Time


Kevin the Nonmonetized

This story was originally posted to Medium on May 9, 2023 (

#ChatGPT #ArtificalIntelligence #Technology #Media #BigTech

While it seems like every other post on Medium is about ChatGPT, they tend to be written with the assumption that it’s going to change the world. Yet I think before we do that, we first have to ask if the platform is something that people are actually using or if it’s just overhyped.

I’m not going to be able to answer this question in this article, but I am hoping to start a discussion where people share if they have gotten hooked on ChatGPT or not. I’ve had access to the platform for several months now and I barely use it for multiple reasons. I want to hear your experiences before we all get caught up in this narrative from Big Tech and the media (be careful of vested interests making their way to this article’s comment section!).

If you’re going to get anxious about AI taking away our jobs, creativity, and intelligence, you should probably make sure those fears are rooted in reality first.
