Non-Monetized Together #svalien


#PuttingIdeasIntoAction #Originality #Unoriginality

This article was previously published on Medium on February 10, 2022 (

Previously, I had no time for unoriginal statements, ideas, theses, and thoughts. I prioritized innovation over the obvious. When I read, heard, or watched a piece of content that had nothing new to say, I would shift my focus elsewhere mid-way through. Now, I have changed my mind. Familiar perspectives are no longer deterrents for me.

This was a re-evaluation of something I previously took for granted. I used to think there was nothing valuable about unoriginal content. Then I realized, just because I already heard a theory before, doesn’t mean it is no longer valid.

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People may not be interested in cliched talking points such as “companies have access to your personal data,” “public transit reduces your carbon footprint,” and “coffee is an expensive addiction.” But how often do people consider these facts when going about their own lives? Being open to hearing an idea for the umpteenth time may be what I need to put it to use.

Some discussion topics may be more common than others, but they don’t mean anything until they influence action. Theories are fuel for something greater. The key is to reorient my mind and understand that an idea becomes no less useful after hearing it ten times. In fact, it may be more useful because I am more likely to remember it.

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In a world with an incomprehensible amount of easy-to-access information, this mindset is more important than ever. All the ideas I hear online are competing in my memory. Hearing something only once makes less of an impact than ever. We, as a planet, can take advantage of the millions of opinions on display, but not if they don’t resonate. Not taking them for granted could be the push they need to reach their potentials.

For another post about acceptance, check out this post from @lucia-landini
