
Delete StackOverflow

This is just another day I looked for something at Google, visited and found just another closed question.

Even someone finds a time to answer it before closing, even someone comment it, so he considered it is worth to comment and help you, questions are closed deliberately by band of uncontrolled moderators scratching their Egos.

What is interesting on this stupid approach is, that questions which are not a good fit for their Q&A format are good enough for:

  • making visits to Stackoverflow website,
  • making pageviews for Stackoverflow website,
  • and at the end making value for Stackoverflow company owner.

When someone would like to buy Stackoverflow in the future they show them nice output from Google Analytics not mentioning that 1/3 of visits and pageviews come from closed questions, creating crowd of frustrated visitors because there are tens of thousands links on Google to closed question.

So I simply ask you to go, and if it is still possible (I don't know how exactly it works but in some cases it is possible and I do that too) AND delete all your closed questions.

You can't be an idiot for them AND good enough for creating content and value for them at the same time. It's so simple. Go and detele them.