
Hi, I'm Andi N. Fiziks, or more commonly known, Miss Andi. πŸ’š

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I'm a journalist and photographer living in London, UK. This is my blog!

The main purpose of this blog is to provide a space for me to post responses to my β€œDear Miss Andi...” advice column, where I respond to questions sent to me by friends and followers on Mastodon. I feel there's a serious need for more queer, polyam advice columnists because we have some of the most complex love-lives of anyone on the planet and very few people are adequately able to speak from experience on these topics. Plus I just like being helpful! 😊

If you have any questions, please feel free to DM me on Mastodon, on ask anonymously on my CuriousCat page. Please provide a cute pseudonym because it makes responding more fun!

I try to do a single post covering as many questions as possible every Sunday. Please subscribe via email (or follow @andi@nuklearfiziks.com on Mastodon) to make sure you don't miss a single one!