
Musings of a *Nix Nerd

Cryptography– it's always the hot debate topic regarding computers, with society trying to perserve it and ensure ciphers are extremely hard to crack, to aid in the preservation of privacy (thus ensuring free speech). Governments often oppose cryptographic ciphers because of their difficulty to crack, making investigations and research on other people harder.

However, there's no denying that such systems seem very arcane and tough to understand, and this series of posts intends to shed some light on how cryptographers implement systems that are extremely hard to crack.

This post series exists to help educate people on the importance of cryptographic research and how it corresponds to your privacy online, and how you can better protect yourself in a high risk environment. I would like to give credit where it's due, as I learned most of this content from “Applied Cryptography” by Bruce Schneier.

Like a Lightswitch: Boolean Logic

So let's quickly cram an intro to computer science class into a couple paragraphs to preface this all... Boolean Logic is just a fancy term for the ability to do math with nothing more than true or false statements and a few special operations. This is achieved through the use of the binary number system, which behaves very much like the decimal system in the sense that it has a “place” for digits of a certain value. However, instead of having a 1s, 10s, 100s, etc. place, the binary system has a 1s, 2s, 4s, 8s, etc place. A binary digit is called a bit and a number that is 8 binary digits long is called a byte.

Like normal math, we can do addition, subtraction, etc to the binary numbers... But we can do more than that since binary 0 is “False” anything other than 0 is “True”. We can use AND, OR, XOR, NAND, and NOT operations on our numbers now. AND, OR & NOT are all pretty self explanatory in how they work (they take inputs and you perform said operations on them). NAND stands for NOT AND, so you basically perform AND and then invert the output value. XOR will only output true if only one input is true.

Cryptography Basics

So what is cryptography? In the most perfect sense, a cryptographic function is an algorithm that can only be reversed using one method, and is impossible to recover the original contents using any other method. However this is often not the case, and this is why security experts say nothing is 100% secure, because there will always be unknown holes in your cryptographic functions and systems.

When cryptographic functions work through taking a message and a single “key”, performing a series Boolean operations and mathematical operations to use the same key to encrypt and decrypt the message, it is called a symmetric encryption algorithm. Some of the leading symmetric algorithms (in terms of security) are AES-256, CHACHA20 and SALSA20.

If there's 2 keys, one for decryption (called a private key) and one for encryption (called a public key), it is called an asymmetric encryption algorithm. Some of the leading asymmetric algorithms are RSA and EC-Diffie Hellman.

Finally a hashing algorithm is one that takes a message as input, performs a series of operations on it, and outputs a bunch of garbled information- but if you input the same message again, you will get the same output. This is common for storing passwords and login information. Common hashing algorithms are SHA256 and SHA512.

Keys require random numbers to be created, and often times cryptographic systems rely on programs to generate random numbers for keys. The ongoing problem is that computers are incapable of being random, so there is ongoing research to produce Cryptographically Secure Pseudo-Random Number Generator software (CSPRNG). Alternatively, some people opt for Hardware-based Random Number Generators (HRNG) for producing their crypto keys.

Planning our Cryptosystem

Let's say Bob and Alice want to email each other, but they fear Eve- our eavesdropper- might be listening in. How can we securely share secret cryptographic keys in such a manner that it's impossible for Eve to get them?

Using Multiple Systems

Using some code, it's entirely possible to stitch together multiple algorithms. So it's possible that we could send EC-Diffie Hellman encrypted messages, but encrypt our public and private keys with AES-512 encryption and a personal password. So it's not theoretically possible for “Eve” to intercept the encryption and decryption keys without having to trick Bob and Alice.

To do this, we need to understand what EC-Diffie Hellman keys go where. The public key encrypts the message, while the private key decrypts the message. So for this to work, Bob would need to have Alice's public key and his private key encrypted with AES-512, while Alice would need Bob's public key and her private key encrypted also with AES-512.

To simplify this... 1) Bob and Alice generate public and private keypairs 2) Bob and Alice swap public keys. 3) Bob encrypts Alice's public key and his private key. 4) Alice encrypts Bob's public key and her private key. 5) When they wish to email, they unlock their keys. 6) After unlocking their keys, they encrypt their messages. 7) To decrypt the message, Bob or Alice unlocks their keys. 8) They then use their private key to decrypt the message.

This seems rather complex, although most of the process is automated and running behind the scenes. Software like this would manifest itself as a “keychain” or “keyring” in major programs.

The Plan

The first step, which will be shared in the next post, will be to implement a CSPRNG and a hashing algorithm so we can generate keys.

The second step will be to implement a EC-Diffie Hellman cryptographic function, using hashing algorithm and CSPRNG to aid in the generation of keys.

The third step will be to implement AES-512, which will complete the cryptosystem, and allow for encryption of the keys.

The last milestone of this project will be to provide a simple and clean interface so an end-user can encrypt their emails.


Schneier, B. (2015). Applied cryptography: Protocols, algorithms, and source code in C. Indianapolis, IN: Wiley.


Once upon a gloomy day, an innocent programmer (innocent? yeah, right...) stared at his Linux terminal in dismay only to find that the wifi card he installed wasn't supported, and he threw out the old one. This tale of woe documents my actual misadventures with the Linux kernel back in the days of Linux Kernel version 2.6 or so in 2004.

Tell-tale signs

I remember getting my old 2007 Dell XPS right when it came out from a third party seller and how he swapped the included WiFi card with one that was absolutely horrible for the time. Since a replacement card was cheap, I invested in a replacement card for the laptop, which was a Broadcom card.

After a bit of waiting and checking the mailbox constantly, it had arrived and I excitedly popped open the laptop and inserted the card... And threw out the old one- welcome to hell...

I booted my Ubuntu installation, complete with wobbly windows, and fired up bash and excitedly ran ping google.com. The happy smile quickly turned to an analytical frown, wondering why this could be. Running ifconfig didn't list the new wlan card either...


Since I knew this was a Broadcom WiFi card, I plugged into Ethernet (which thankfully worked) and began a massive googling spree. After a couple hours of searching for “Broadcom Wifi not working Linux”, “Linux Broadcom support”, and so on it was discovered that I needed to utilize a package called ndiswrapper, which effectively allows the loading of Windows XP firmware for wireless card to be loaded under Linux through a wrapper.

NDISWrapper Hell

Excited that there was a solution, I downloaded the firmware for Windows XP and installed the ndiswrapper package. After adding blacklist bcm43xx blacklist b43 blacklist b43legacy blacklist ssb to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf, I was ready to install the driver. I installed the driver in a Windows XP virtual machine and obtained the .INF file that corresponded to the broadcom card. From there, I believed it to be a simple sudo ndiswrapper -i broadcom.inf to install the driver.

But lo and behold, the driver wasn't written for my CPU Architecture, and the installation failed every single time! Out of desperation, I even experimented with QEMU to see if I could just emulate the driver, to no avail.

After 3 days of banging my head against a desk, rebooting, restoring from a backup and more, I gave up entirely on NDISWrapper and turned back to Google.

The Discovery

After a couple more hours of Google-Fu, I stumbled upon a discovery- A developer was working on a patchset for the same WiFi card I had, and these changes weren't in the kernel! For those who are unaware, patchsets are groups of .patch files you can run the patch command on, to modify source code to look like what the developer made. Excitedly, I downloaded this and a fresh copy of the Linux Kernel source code.

Kernel Games

With everything downloaded, extracted the Linux kernel source code and cd'ed into it. Following this, I ran patch < 1.patch over and over again, but changing the name of the path of patch until I had applied the entire set. Then I executed cp /boot/config-uname -r.config to copy the stock Ubuntu kernel config to the .config file required for compiling a new kernel. After this, it was just a matter of running make menuconfig to customize the kernel and enable the Broadcom driver. After saving and exiting, it was time to compile the kernel.

After running make deb-pkg LOCALVERSION=-broadcom I sat and waited... For 18 hours. After waking up the next day, I noticed compilation completed. As expected according to the Debian manual, the .deb files were one directory up. So after verifying they were there, the kernel was then installed via dpkg and a reboot verified the custom kernel was installed.

It Works, But...

After installing the custom kernel, WiFi was finally working. However, the speed did not increase and the performance wasn't as advertised. This led me to believe it was due to a hardware limitation and I had wasted all this time over a stupid WiFi card...

I later would just install an Ethernet wall jack where I kept my laptop because I wanted the speed at the time, and this laptop would go on to last until 2012, when it gave off magical blue smoke.



I had an encounter with a friend who had an insatiable craving to talk about his newfound love for this cool new thing called Python. When he claimed that it was the “most popular” and “the best” I had a rough time gathering my thoughts to counter this claim. For those interested in this little rant, this is the point I used to aid in tempering my friends unconditional love for a programming language.

Due to the Python programming language's surge in popularity, people's intense love of the language has also surged. Although this is a blessing for the Open Source community and attracting budding software developers, many of the avid Python programmers (Pythonistas) often claim that it's one of the most popular languages to exist. On top of this, many won't listen to counterclaims about the use of other languages.

What's really the most used?

To tackle this question, one must first define the term popular. For the sake of discussion it is easiest to say that the most widely deployed programming language should be considered the most popular for the simple reason that the enterprise world, the government and many major software companies are still making use of it.

Given this definition, we can safely say that the C Programming language easily is the most popular in this regard, as it is deployed in virtually every Operating System that exists, sees use in most (if not all) of the DNS implementations we use today and more. For those who don't know, DNS provides sites with actual names instead of IP addresses.

Among the most deployed would be JavaScript, as most webpages and many mobile apps utilize it.

According to the definition of popular in this post, this makes COBOL one of the most popular languages, as approximately 90% of the banking system is powered by this old language from the 70s.


Yes. COBOL, I hate it too and I would rather remove my ear with a rusty spoon than code in it. Sadly it's so widely deployed and in so much demand in the enterprise space due to the simple purpose that most of the old Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) for large companies such as banks and car manufacturers were created in the 1980s. Pairing this logic with the fact that it's much more expensive to rewrite these APIs than to just maintain them, COBOL has a permanent place to stay as one of the most popular languages to come.

Remember that as defined above, popular means “most widely deployed” in terms of this discussion. Python definitely outpaces programming languages like LISP or Pascal in terms of popularity, but doesn't quite make the dent that JavaScript, C or COBOL have.

On top of this, due to it's nature of being an interpreted language, it lacks the ability to perform well in environments where every bit of speed matters. As a result, it doesn't appear as much as compiled languages in mission-critical environments.


If we define popular as the “most well received” programming language, Python easily lays claim to being one of the most convenient languages to code in and being one of the top languages most programmers choose to learn first nowadays.

On top of this, it's important to note that strides are being made in compiling Python code, though it's not quite stable at the moment. Once this gets achieved, it is possible that it could quickly take over the enterprise space.

The Real Question

How do you change someone's mind about their love of a programming language? You don't- but you can help them clarify their logic more so actual discourse may occur.

That's all. Rant over. Be sure to stick around and bookmark this page for new posts! Next time, I'll share some some (mis)Adventures in building Linux From Scratch and more technical content.