
translated literally the dutch word zelfingenomenheid would be something like 'being taken in by the self' which is quite interesting since dutch people are mostly very pleased with themselves. you might say the dutch are world leaders in zelfingenomenheid — the meaning of which is somewhere in the region of self-satisfaction, hubris, complacency and arrogance.

if you're dutch you know everything and there is no doubt about any of the things you know. why? it's self-explanatory, logisch, obvious! kom op jongens, doe effe normaal zeg!

so if you're dutch you are absolutely certain about all of the things you know and you will calmly but unequivocally make assertations about all the things you are certain about to whomever will listen and quite a few others who'd prefer not to.

one of the things that you are certain about is that you live in the best country in the world. and also that being dutch is awesome and a great privilege. you can only pity those who are, through no fault of their own of course, unable to ever achieve full and proper dutchness. you tolerate the presence of the non-dutch, and the less-dutch, as long as they at least try to be a little bit dutch — but no more than that. it is important that they know and are fully reconciled with the fact that they can never really be dutch.

allright we'll take a hundred.

next in the dutch masters series : betweters
