BlindFaith In XRP

Well eveyone. They said it would happen and here we are! I know that my emotions are up and down right now with the change in price of XRP! I want to share with you why it’s effected me this way and maybe it will be easier to understand! Let’s go!

My husband came across XRP a few year’s back. He was looking into Cryptocurrency and XRP caught his eye. Now I’m not kidding you when I say that we lost that man for a, YEAR! When he’s ready to learn his determination is relentless! Such a positive trait about Michael but, it didn’t sit well with the family. Our grandson Fynn was young and couldn’t understand why papa was always disconnected from us and at his computer. Ultimately Fynn stopped talking to him. He was so mad for the little 2-3 year old that he was. I literally didn’t cook meals for about a year. I’m not kidding about that either. Michael would grab something quick and just sit at the computer. That’s how that year went.

After he was done doing his own research he had made the decision that he wanted to invest in XRP. I mean “you just spent a YEAR learning about it so you might better do something with it”, I think in the back of my head. When he approached me about the purchase though I just gave my blessing. It’s “our” money and we have a lot of respect for one another so we don’t make these big decisions without the support of one another. So he got the green light from me and he was off to the races. Time to “FILL THOSE BAGS”! He did try to induge me but, I wasn’t really interested. I trusted him and that’s all that mattered. I didn’t think he’d spend our money on something that he wasn’t to sure about. I was quite perplexed that he was still at the computer though. That I asked about.

Michael explained the XRP community to me and invited me to join. Again, I wasn’t really interested but, I’m glad he was happy. He’d make his purchases of XRP and he was feeling really good about it. He told everyone about XRP but, only a select few would listen. This is where my emotions come in. I will get to that very soon!

I finally got curious enough and decided to join the XRP community. Once I was in I was like a sponge. I didn’t realize it but, I was interested in learning about XRP! I mean bags, bags, bags. Everyone had bags. People have full bags, ½ full bags, bags that didn’t have enough in them but, everyone had bags. Whoa, this must be huge but, I never saw any bags around my house! Did we really invest? If we don’t have bags then what was he doing on the computer for a whole..YEAR? This almost cost Michael a divorce BUT, I’ll share with you how that went down and our marriage was saved.

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