Crazy Little Thing Called “Life”!

Well life is finally getting ready to settle down a bit. Wait, did I say that out loud? I’m kind of afraid to because everytime I do..Well, you know. What a crazy year and a half! Let’s recap, shall we?

It was with the upmost sadness that I had to announce the death of my mother on October 23, 2019. Doing her hospice has forever changed me and no, not for the better. I’ve got a lot of work to do on myself! It’s one of the biggest mistakes of my whole life and I believe that I’ll have a lifetime of battling those memories but, I have to move forward and so I will. I now know that sitting and holding her hand was my job but, I promised her many years ago and we don’t break promises.

Just 3 days after my moms funeral I hopped on a plane and headed to Florida. It’s in Florida that I’d help bring someone else to their end and that was my dad. Just 20 days apart. A completely heartbreaking moment but, again I have to keep moving forward. No, not my step-dad, he’s good and he’s going to live until he’s 102! Period.

I came back from Florida and Michael’s dog Chase had to be put down. What a beautiful girl and he couldn’t do it. Yes, I brought Chase and another beautiful life ended. Again, I have to keep moving forward.

March 10th 2020 was the day that really hit me like a ton of bricks and flipped my world, my husband was diagnosed with Cancer. Something that we struggle with still to this day. He has his good days and his bad days and it’s been so hard watching him because I can’t fix him. This has brought us closer together and then almost got us divorced, yup, Cancer is a family disease! We are doing just fine now but, that too was a battle.

Now I want to share the stuff that keeps me going everyday of my life. We have a granddaughter coming in June, a son getting married in June, a grandson due in July and a daughter getting married in July. I am so excited to have positive things to look forward to. For all the negative things there’s usually a positive thing. Sometimes I’m not looking and I miss the positive things. I’m trying to stay focused and embrace everything that life has to offer. For every up there’s a down and I’m not in control. This is something that I’ve got to learn to accept. I’ve gotta put one foot in front of the other and keep pushing through because my story isn’t over yet. To be continued...The good, the bad, the everything ♥️