Do You Support The Content Or The Creator?

So I’ve been laying in bed sick. Not much to do so I’ve been diving into a lot of different Coil blogs. Wow, it’s amazing how much diversity there is on the platform of Coil and imagine we only pay $5.00 a month to access all of it. Blessing? I’d say that’s a fact.

I was reading a blog basically saying, “That’s all folks”. This blogger wants to spend less time on Social media and more time in the real world. He’s a truly gifted writer and someone who’s blogs I follow closely. Why do I follow him so closely? I absolutely love his content. He “seems” like a great guy and sure we connected on Twitter but, it’s the contents of his blog that keeps me going back for more. I can’t wait to see what he’s going to say next. He asked the question in his last blog, “Would you support me and my blogs if I’m not giving you an UV”? The answer immediately was in me head. Of course. This isn’t supposed to be, “I UV you and you UV me”!

There’s many blogs that I support that the people don’t even speak to me. Maybe they don’t know me or maybe they just don’t want to talk to me. I’m truly alright with this because I support good content that I feel can benefit others. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, “I only want an UV on my blog if you feel it’s worthy. An UV is a tool to me. If I write about something and it’s just not “my thing”, the only way for me to truly know that is for the blog not to get support. A blog with 3 UV’s obviously is just a topic that doesn’t work for me or one that I need to educate myself more on before I share it in a blog.

For $5.00 a month you can have access to all of the amazing blogs that are shared on Coil and also habe access to Cinnamonvideo. There’s such a diverse group of Content Creators and I’ve learned so much from these blogs. Hey give it a shot. Even if you only try it for a month. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.

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