Judgement Free Zone

I just got off the phone with a really good friend of mine. We both have the same moral values in life and one of them is to not judge someone by their life now or their past. I am a recovering alcoholic and I promise you that my stories from the days of alcoholism are not pretty. “I dare not judge because I fear being judged”! Yes, it’s something I just don’t like.

During this conversation with...Lets call her “Lisa”, she was talking pretty nasty about someone in our very small circle. I listened but, I didn’t engage in talking bad. Who am I to judge anyone? I’m not anyone, therefore I don’t. You are free to judge me but, I’m still not going to judge you.

This is my HUGE problem with all of this. How on earth can anyone judge anyone during one of the worst times of our lives? We are trying to muddle our way through a Pandemic! YES, that to me is huge! Quarantine, social distancing, wear a mask and wash your hands. OK, I shouldn’t have to say “wash your hands but, here I am saying it”. Habit now I guess, not to offend anyone.

We are dealing with isolation, missing family on Holidays, sick family members and friends, maybe we’ve lost someone to COVID-19 or maybe we’ve had it ourselves, maybe we’ve sat outside of a Hospital waiting for a Doctor or a nurse to call and tell us, “It’s over” your loved one passed away alone or without family by their side. Life isn’t what it used to be so yes, our friend that was mildly depressed before probably is in the biggest depression that she’s ever seen. For that we should be empathetic. This is hard. This is not only hard but, probably the worst case scenario for someone that’s not comfortable sitting alone or sitting alone with their thoughts. Me. That’s me to a “T”. I am my own worst enemy. I understand where my depressed friend is coming from because I also feel it.

Why are we judging and not being more supportive of one another? Why are we looking so closely so we don’t miss an opportunity to pounce? I don’t know and that’s why I’m asking you. I’m the most imperfect human that you’ll ever meet, just ask me because I’ll tell you but, that’s me saying it. If you say it then I’ll probably be offended but, I will get over it and I won’t retaliate. It’s just not who I am.

I have been targeted by people in certain circles and I’ve had the evidence in my hand. Does that mean that I want to cause them emotional harm? No, it doesn’t. It meana that I accept however that “said group” feels, accept it and move on. It doesn’t mean that I retaliate or cause them any emotional harm. Does 2 wrongs make a right? Not in my world.

My point to all of this is this, we are in the mist of a Pandemic. A PANDEMIC! I read about “The Spanish Flu” pandemic but, did I ever think I’d personally be living through a Pandemic, I don’t know because I never even considered it. My hopes for everyone is that we can be more supportive of one another, not engage in negative conversations about someone who’s struggling mentally because how are you personally going to feel if that “dreaded phone call comes”? The one saying that your friend cracked and took their own life? It’s up to you If you want to be part of the problem or part of the solution.


Above is the Website for Suicide Prevention. I know that I’m not the only one that’s written about this and I don’t believe that I’ll be the last and to this I say, “Thank GOD”! The more awareness we raise, the more we put ourselves out there saying, “I’m here for you, 24/7, NO MATTER WHAT” the better we will be all the way around. I don’t care if you’re my worst enemy. If you’re in crisis and you need me, I’m here. If you aren’t in crisis but, need someone I’m also here. Together we are strong but, devided we are weak. I vow to do my part and I hope you all vow to do your part too. Together perhaps we can save a life.

The last thing I want to talk about is the “Quarantine and isolation” part. People can say whatever they want over the computer or on the phone but, that doesn’t mean that they are being honest. Ask me what’s going on in my life by DM and I’m sure you’d be very surprised. Things aren’t always what they seem and especially if you don’t have “eyes on” so please be as supportive as you can because things can change in a split second. Stay safe everyone and thank you for reading my blog.