Opinions Aren’t Always Welcome

I wanted to share with you all today, sometime that really irritates me. I didn’t realize how much it irritated me until my family was involved in a situation and I got to witness this first hand. I don’t understand why people feel like they’ve got a right to judge an established families, personal decisions but, I want to share how I feel about this.

I’ve got a family member who is pregnant. Yes, she’s already a mother but, she knew how many children she wanted and her and her partner agreed on this. Very few people know about this pregnancy but, ones that do feel it’s their right to criticize this family. I don’t understand how anyone would want to bring negativity to the miracle of life as long as there isn’t abuse or neglect with the existing children.

I do understand that we all go around with the idea of, “We are entitled to our own opinions”! This might be true, however, when your opinion is negative and hurtful I just have a hard time agreeing with this. The woman that’s pregnant hasn’t abused her other children, she’s got a very good job and she takes care of her family. Isn’t that enough? Well, not according to, some. Apparently everyone thinks they’ve got the answers to how many children that one should have in this day and age and I don’t agree.

I believe that everything happens for a reason. I also believe that GOD doesn’t make mistakes. I believe that an established couple is in charge of their own relationship and negativity isn’t or shouldn’t be welcomed. So if you’re one of the ones that doesn’t “agree” maybe keeping your opinion to yourself is the best option. It can be very painful and hurtful to a family.

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