The Great Brain Hijack

I am going to share some thoughts that I’ve had over the past weekend and of course I always love to hear how others feel if they feel they want to share. Something in my brain has changed since March and I’m starting to wonder if it all was part of a master plan. I’ll explain!

I’ve been sick for about 3 week’s and last weekend I finally saw a Doctor. I had a couple of different diagnoses but, Coronavirus and Flu were ruled out. Well, with being this sick and fevers so high there’s not much you can do so, you rest. I found myself indulging in a lot of videos over the past couple of week’s and when I’d get to the end of the video, the only thing I felt was doubt and confusion. I try to stay away from video’s that can manipulate your mind but, seems you can’t get away from them anymore.

This is what I keep seeing over and over. Change. Change is coming and chang is here. The world has changed because of Covid-19 and I know in the USA things have been changing on a daily basis. This is the “norm” now so I’ve learned to just roll with that. Curfew, no curfew, 10 people at Thanksgiving, cops not inforcing this,state boarders are open and then they are closed. Did they know if they did this enough that a lot of people would be mentally beat down and just “go with it”? Was this all part of a greater plan? Were they always going to hijack our brains and know that eventually we’d just surrender to some degree?

This is what they say because a vaccine is basically, out. They are saying that once the vaccine is delivered to “all of the people” that we get our “normal” life back but, will we? What is normal anyway? I’ve lost my ideas about “normal”. Normal to me now is seeing someone’s mask and saying, “Oh wow I like your mask”! Strange, right?

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