The Great Vaccination Debate

I was scrolling through Facebook really quickly and it only took me a second to figure out where everyone’s focus is right here and right now. That would be the COVID-19 vaccination! Yes, another topic to divide the people! The people that feel good about the vaccine are happily peddling it and the people that are opposed seem to be, strongly opposed!

I like to DMOR when it comes to putting anything into my body. That’s alright because it’s, my body. I’m not saying I’m not getting a vaccine or that I’m getting a vaccine. I need more education than I have right now. I started my own research on this months ago because well, I had the time.

One of the most common side-effects that I had come across was, Bells Palsey, something that I had as a young girl. I remember my mom bringing me to the Emergency Room and they admitted me because they didn’t know if I had a stroke. I didn’t though and was sent home the next day. Half of my face was paralyzed, my eye lid wouldn’t close so my eye had to be covered in the sun and at night taped down. It never caused me any pain but, I was embarrassed. I was a young girl and other kids could be cruel. I remember my step-father picking on me and then just 2 weeks later he stopped home while he was on duty ( Retired Police-Officer ). He had a smug look on his face and he was just standing between the dining room and living room. We were all “waiting for it” and then he smiled. Low and behold my dad now had Bells Palsey too! Talk about KARMA! He made many of jokes and that bit him in the keister!

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