A strange week, this one. Friday night finds me imagining life without reliable internet access. Several times this week my home WiFi has crapped out. Once during the evening hours it was off and on. And two different days it was off for several contiguous morning hours.

So I've had to dust off one of my Sangean radios, the one with the bigger speaker and better sound. I've kept the smaller Sangean close daily for... huh, years. And I've found myself watching more OTA TV.

Need now to find journaling/blogging software that i'm comfortable using offline, but that I can use to augment my online blogs. Huh, ... that'll be tricky.

For those keeping score, the last few days have found my darned hips giving me more trouble than they have for a long time. Good thing I've stepped away from most of my KofC activities. Really can't leave home without my walking stick these days.

posted Friday 01/Sep/2023 ~19:15 #QNSEP2023