Roscoe's Quick Notes

my micro-blog

Mid-morning Friday and I don't know why, but I have a very good feeling about this day. There is nothing special on this day's agenda, but it's good to have a positive outlook.

posted Friday, 2024-07-26 ~ 09:33 #QNJUL2024

Rook-Pawn Checkmate

I won this Correspondence Chess game a few hours ago playing White when I caught the Black King with a Rook-Pawn Combination Checkmate.

posted Thursday, 2024-07-25 ~11:40 #QNJUL2024 #chess

The good news: my backyard fence “fix” from Monday is still holding.

The “meh” news: the off and on stormy weather continues, and it leaves things constantly wet outside, so that keeps me inside. This Wednesday has found me mostly listening to baseball games and working on my chess games.

posted Wednesday, Jul 24, 2024 at ~4:35 PM #QNJUL2024

My “fix” yesterday of the gap in the back yard fence seems to be holding. We had storms blow through last night and again today and the big tube I've roped in across the gap is still up. So no little dogs were able to get into the back yard. Tomorrow's weather is supposed to be like today's, with Thursday and Friday being the stormiest. Hope my “fix” continues to hold.

posted Tuesday, Jul 23, 2024 at ~4:44 PM #QNJUL2024

The same old problem. Earlier today I saw 2 small dogs frolicking in my back yard. Oh, no! One of them squeezed through a gap at my back fence where a gate no longer closes tightly enough to prevent small critters like neighborhood cats and small dogs from getting in. Darn. In the past I've strung rope across that gap in the chain link fence to close it. Looks like I'll have to do that again.

posted Monday, Jul 22, 2024 at ~1:54 PM #QNJUL2024

Far from my favorite Sunday, this. Arthritis flared up more intensely than it has in... I don't know how many weeks, or months. Left shoulder was most troublesome early on, weak and VERY painful, then the fingers of both hands, then the other shoulder and all along my back from shoulders to hips. Needless to say, I got no yard work done.

posted Sunday, Jul 21, 2024 at ~5:32 PM #QNJUL2024

It has taken most of this Saturday to charge up the lithium batteries for my weed eater and lawn mower. Plans are to put those tools to work tomorrow as I try to get some yard work done before the 10 to 15 days of rain sets in Sunday night.

posted Saturday, Jul 20, 2024 at ~5:47 PM #QNJUL2024

Mid-afternoon Friday and the day is developing nicely. Quietly and nicely. Watching the Cubs vs D-Backs game at the moment.

Sometime this weekend I may mow the front yard. Would like to get that done before next week's rain. We're forecast to have rain starting Sunday night and then every day from Monday through Friday.

posted Friday, Jul 19, 2024 at ~2:59 PM #QNJUL2024

Not my favorite Thursday, but generally quiet, which I like very much. Avoided the news mostly, because so much of it is lies or idle conjecture. And I'm close to finishing the last book in a series of novels I've been reading for ... heck, a long time. Hopefully I'll wrap that up before putting head to pillow tonight.

posted Thursday, Jul 18, 2024 at ~7:22 PM #QNJUL2024

This is one slow-moving Wednesday. With no special projects to attend to, I'm sticking to the basic chores, moving slowly, and hoping the mental fog that's been hovering over me for the past week will finally lift.

posted Wednesday, Jul 17, 2024 at ~4:14 PM #QNJUL2024

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