I pray every morning, too.

A friend on Free Atlantis greeted me this morning with a short comment about her morning prayer, and I told her I'd post her back with a comment on my morning prayer routine.

The short reply is that every morning when I roll out from under the covers, as soon as my feet hit the floor I pray the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel, the short exorcism prayer.

Almost always, as my morning develops, I'll pray The Angelus and five Decades of the Holy Rosary. before Noon. Then at Noon it'll be time for The Angelus again. These, and my other prayers throughout the day are logged daily at my Roscoe's Story blog.

At night, after I've finished the Hour of Compline, with all its prayers, hymns, scripture readings, etc. and the assigned prayers of the Association of the Auxilium Christianorum, and whatever leisure reading I do, it's time to put head to pillow.. Closing my eyes, I slowly and silently pray an Our Father, 3 Hail Mary's, and one Glory Be, repeated as needed before drifting off to sleep. (That's my version of counting sheep. Heh.)

posted Tuesday 26/Dec/2023 ~14:10 #QNDEC2023