Thanks to all who wished me well re: my apt. with Retina Specialist this morning. The appointment did indeed go well.

It included the most intense eye exam I've ever had. Two different dilations of both eyes. The second he called a “full bath'” dilation of both eyes; and he said, “Now this may be uncomfortable at times.” And he wasn't kidding!

Anyway, after it was all over he told me, “You're a very healthy man.” (My walking stick was leaning against the wall in a corner of that exam room; can't walk safely without it. Heh.) He considered me “low risk” regarding my upcoming cataract surgeries. And he said there's no reason for him to attend them.

He explained the reason a Retina specialist is called to assist the eye surgeon is when the Retina wall is so thin it may tear or is already tearing and he's needed to patch up the tearing with a laser. There's only very slight thinning at the back wall of my Retina, and it's not enough to worry about.

But he did want to see me again in 6 mos. so we set an appointment for June 2024.

And the adventure continues...

posted Thursday 21/Dec/2023 ~18:20 #QNDEC2023