Thought for today from Archbishop Lefebvre :

“It is not only at the moment of her birth into the world that God thought of exempting the most Blessed Virgin Mary from all sin and making of her the Immaculate Conception. From all eternity, before the creation of the world, the Blessed Virgin was conceived in the mind of God. The Church applies this passage of Scripture to the Blessed Virgin: “From eternity... I was already conceived” (Prov. 8:23-24). God was already thinking of her, and He willed to shower her with all His graces and to give her that extraordinary privilege of the Immaculate Conception, exempting her from all fault: “You are all beautiful, O Mary, and there is no stain in you.” So already, from all eternity, God was thinking of this admirable creature, the first after our Lord Jesus Christ.”

posted Friday 08/Dec/2023 ~14:45 #QNDEC2023