Thought for today from Archbishop Lefebvre :

“God Himself has asked us to make use of the goods of this world to fulfill our duty of state. So it is obvious that we have to make use of the goods of this world. But the disorder that is inside us because of original sin makes it so we seek those goods in a disordered manner, in an excessive manner, which leads us to turn away from prayer, to turn away from God. For what is prayer if not the raising of our soul toward God? Many people no longer raise their soul toward God because they are entirely taken up by the things of this world. They no longer pray and they do not come to unite themselves to the great prayer of our Lord, which is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. They desert the churches because they are caught up in the spirit of the world.”

posted Wednesday 13/Dec/2023 ~14:00 #QNDEC2023