Doomed by Haughtiness

Haughtiness by Antoine Wiertz Haughtiness by Antoine Wiertz

The foundation of our society is crumbling. We see selfishness growing wild everywhere. The results are:

Yet nobody addresses the underlying issue. Yay, we have almost forgotten the proper meaning of the words:

Humility and Haughtiness

A truly humble person has become so rare that it's not easy to find one. Yet only humility makes it possible for us to live in peace with each other. The more haughty we get, the more we destroy our societies, our countries and our planet.

Jesus has said:

The person who is greatest among you must be your servant. Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted. (Matthew 23:11-12)

When we do not humble ourselves, we will be humbled. Yet, if we humble ourselves, we, our society, our country, our businesses, our family, our relationships will be healed, restored, exalted.

It is humility that we must learn again to save our countries, to save our planet in the end.

We can start today: in every situation we encounter, we make ourselves intentionally low. We act as if we would be the servant of everyone, our boss, our employee, our father, our mother, our brother and sister, our partner or spouse, our friend, the beggar on the street, the shop assistant, our children even.

And what benefits the whole society, benefits also the individual, for everybody likes a humble person and likes to be with a humble person, but nobody likes to be around the haughty and the proud.

Worldly wisdom thinks that success is tied to being selfish, mean, unforgiving, despotic etc.

But true success comes from making oneself the servant of everyone: when you take care of other people, then they will deem you worthy to take care also of their employees, or their children, their family, their property, their affairs.